[Abstract]:Carbon emissions, as an important factor affecting global warming, are highly concerned by various countries. China, a country with large global carbon emissions and fast-growing carbon emissions, volunteered to reduce carbon emissions and pledged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 40 percent per unit of GDP by 2020 by 50 percent. As the frontier pilot of economic development, Fujian Province has the obligation to share the responsibility of national carbon emission reduction. This paper mainly studies the differences and influencing factors of carbon emissions in manufacturing industries in Fujian Province. In this paper, the manufacturing industry is divided into labor-intensive, capital-intensive and technology-intensive categories, and then the carbon emissions of the three types of manufacturing industry are compared and analyzed from the two dimensions of time and space. The results show that from 1999 to 2011, the total carbon emissions of the three industries and their internal sub-industries increase year by year, while the intensity of carbon emissions decreases year by year. Total carbon emissions from large to small are capital-intensive manufacturing, labor-intensive manufacturing and technology-intensive manufacturing. In terms of carbon emission intensity, capital-intensive industry is the largest, labor-intensive industry and capital-intensive industry are smaller, and the sequence of the two industries is divided into stages. From the perspective of sub-industry, the industries with higher carbon emission and intensity in capital-intensive manufacturing are ferrous metal smelting and calendering industry and non-metallic mineral products industry; The major carbon emitters in labor-intensive industries are the textile industry and the paper and paper industry, and the carbon emission intensity of the textile industry is lower than that of the paper industry and the paper industry, while the carbon emission intensity of the textile industry is lower than that of the paper industry. Among the technology-intensive industries, chemical raw materials and chemicals manufacturing have the highest carbon dioxide emissions and carbon emission intensity. In terms of spatial distribution, the spatial distribution of three types of manufacturing industries is first obtained by using the industrial Gini coefficient and CR index, and then the spatial distribution of the three types of carbon emissions is obtained by combining the carbon emissions of the three categories of internal sub-industries. The results show that the carbon emissions of labor-intensive manufacturing industries are mainly concentrated in Quanzhou and Fuzhou: Quanzhou is the region with higher carbon emissions in capital-intensive manufacturing industries. Sanming and Fuzhou: carbon emissions from technology-intensive manufacturing are low in nine cities and slightly higher in Sanming. Based on the analysis of the current situation of carbon emissions in manufacturing industries, this paper analyzes the economic growth and energy structure by using LMDI factor decomposition method on the basis of Kaya equation. The effects of energy intensity and industrial structure on the carbon emissions of Fujian manufacturing industry as a whole and three sub-industries. The results show that economic growth promotes the change of carbon emissions both in the manufacturing industry as a whole and in sub-sectors, and the energy intensity plays an important role in restraining the carbon emissions. The two factors, industrial structure and energy structure, show different effects at different stages. The paper also makes a horizontal comparative analysis of the effects of the four factors of the three kinds of manufacturing industry. Finally, based on the above analysis, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions to reduce the carbon emissions of manufacturing industry in Fujian Province from the aspects of industry, regional and macro-control. On the whole, we should promote the upgrading of the manufacturing industry structure, increase the investment in science and technology, optimize the energy structure, reduce emissions in different industries, pay attention to the important sub-industries, according to the regional characteristics of carbon emissions in the sub-industries, sub-regional governance; Strengthening macro-control and the rule of law provide a solid guarantee for carbon emissions reduction.
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