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发布时间:2019-05-28 23:26
[Abstract]:With the increasing cost of domestic manufacturing, the low-cost strategy of Chinese enterprises has come to an end. How to face the rapidly changing market environment and quickly meet the diversified needs of consumers has become the primary problem to solve the survival of enterprises. Lean production is committed to eliminating the non-value-added activities in the production link to improve production efficiency, reduce liquidity occupation and shorten the production cycle. Taking the success and failure experience of YS company in implementing lean production as an example, through the use of case analysis method, it is found that the first problem to solve the improvement of lean production management is to solve the cognitive problem of lean production. Only by solving the cognitive problems of lean production can lean production management be improved. In view of the present situation that enterprises do not know how to find and solve problems, this paper puts forward the use of value flow tools to diagnose the key problems in the whole production process, and then use brainstorming, Pareto diagram and other means to find out the possible solutions. Finally, the risk assessment tool is used to determine the best solution with the lowest risk. At the same time, this paper studies the importance of the establishment of lean culture to the implementation of lean production, as well as the relationship between lean culture and enterprise culture, and concludes that the establishment of lean culture system is an important factor to ensure the continuous and extensive implementation of lean production. Through these studies, we hope to find a set of systematic lean production solutions. The further research on lean production improvement of YS company shows that there are some problems in the misunderstanding and application of 5s technology in the process of lean production management improvement in YS company, which are expounded and analyzed in this paper. It is also found that in the process of JIT project implementation, most enterprises do not optimize the corresponding production process and procurement process according to the JIT process, as well as the lack of electronic degree of enterprise management and so on. Through the research on these problems, this paper tries to provide reference and reference for domestic enterprises to implement lean production management improvement.


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