本文关键词:股权众筹平台监管的国际比较 出处:《法学》2015年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Stock crowdfunding platform, as an intermediary between financing companies and investors, plays a central role in crowdfunding activities and is the core of crowdfunding supervision. Although the nature of the platform is different in the world. But all of them are registered or licensed to the stock raising platform or its operator. The requirements or restrictions are generally set for the issuers or investors who can be accepted by the shareholding crowdfunding platform. Drawing on international experience and combining with the actual situation in China, we can adopt the licensing system for the stock raising platform or its operating institutions. And establish the "crowdfunding exemption" mechanism, that is, eligible to meet the prescribed conditions and through the approved platform to exempt the securities regulatory body from the examination.
【作者单位】: 山西财经大学法学院;山西财经大学晋商研究院;
【正文快照】: 股权众筹监管的现状众筹(Crowdfimding)是人们、组织以及企业,包括初创企业通过在线门户(即众筹平台)筹集资本为其活动进行融资或再融资的一种方式。?主要有捐赠众筹(Donation Crawdfunding)、预付款或奖励众筹(Pre-payment/Rewards Crowdfunding)、!*2P借贷(Peer-to-peer Len
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