发布时间:2018-01-02 13:45
本文关键词:河南省村镇银行存在的主要问题及发展对策研究 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:国民经济的发展离不开健康稳定的金融体系,但在我国广大农村地区,金融服务极为落后,严重制约着我国农村经济发展。因此,在城市大型商业银行之外,广泛设立以村镇银行为代表的新型农村金融机构,不仅可以提高和增加整个金融体系的层次和深度,有效降低其系统性风险,,还可以有效解决农村地区信贷问题,给整个国民经济带来活力。近几年村镇银行发展迅速,但是作为新型金融机构,由于起步较晚,还没有形成独具特色的经营运作模式,仍然存在着诸如政府支持力度不够、网点少、社会认同度低、风险控制不力等问题,而且还面临着来自其他银行业金融机构的市场竞争,可谓是机遇与挑战共存。 本文立足于河南省,主要采用定性与定量、比较与借鉴、理论与实践相结合的分析方法,借鉴我国现有理论成果,并结合国外孟加拉格莱珉银行、印度尼西亚村行系统的先进运作模式,分析河南省村镇银行的发展现状,多方位、多角度地探讨河南省村镇银行发展中存在的主要问题,并提出推动河南省村镇银行发展的相应对策和建议。 本文共分为五个部分。第一部分是绪论,主要介绍研究背景、国内外研究现状及研究意义,分析本文的主要观点及创新之处;第二部分是对河南省村镇银行进行概述,主要包括阐述村镇银行的内涵及特点,比较分析村镇银行与其他类似金融机构的异同点,并在回顾河南省村镇银行发展历程的基础上,分析河南省村镇银行的市场定位和竞争优势;第三部分是对河南省村镇银行发展现状的分析,主要从业务管理、风险控制、业务创新这三个方面详细研究河南省村镇银行的经营管理现状,并从社会认同度低、网点布局不合理、信用监管体系不健全以及业务管理缺失等方面探讨村镇银行发展过程中存在的问题;第四部分是探讨国外乡村银行的成功发展模式,并总结经验,以期对河南村镇银行的发展提供借鉴;第五部分综合前文研究成果,并结合河南省的省情,从河南省村镇银行自身、政策与监管层面提出发展河南村镇银行的相应对策和建议。 本文的核心观点主要包括:第一,河南省村镇银行具有自身独特的竞争优势。首先,扎根本土具有天然的地缘优势,能够掌握当地客户的各种软信息,提供差异化服务,满足市场和客户的金融需求,有效降低信贷风险和运营成本;其次,具备良好的政策经济环境。中原经济区建设使河南经济迅速腾飞,农民收入激增,创业投资需求加大,加上河南农村群体范围广,闲置资金相对较多,有效吸储定能拓展资金来源渠道;最后,河南省多数村镇银行受银监会直接控制,规模小,运行机制灵活,管理层次少,能够根据市场变化迅速调整经营战略;第二,河南省村镇银行要加强自身管理,明确自身定位,合理布局网点设置,加强业务创新,积极拓宽融资渠道,健全法人治理结构,完善风险内控体系;第三,河南省村镇银行要加强监管协作,构建合理的政策支持体系,对村镇银行给予财政补贴和减免税费等政策扶持,促进其正规有效的运行,更好地服务农村金融市场。
[Abstract]:The development of the national economy is inseparable from the healthy and stable financial system , but in the vast rural areas of our country , the financial services are very backward and severely restrict our country ' s rural economic development . Based on the analysis method combining qualitative and quantitative , comparison and reference , theory and practice in Henan Province , this paper draws on the present theoretical achievements of our country and analyzes the main problems existing in the development of village and town bank in Henan Province in combination with the advanced operation mode of foreign Bengali Bank and Indonesia village bank system , and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the development of village and town bank in Henan Province . This paper is divided into five parts . The first part is the introduction , mainly introduces the research background , the research situation and the research significance at home and abroad , analyzes the present situation of village and town bank in Henan Province , and analyzes the development of village and town bank in Henan Province . The core idea of this paper mainly includes : First , the Bank of Henan Province has its own unique competitive advantage . First of all , it has a natural geographical advantage , can grasp various kinds of soft information of the local customers , provide differentiated services , meet the financial needs of the market and customers , reduce the credit risk and operation cost effectively ; secondly , the Bank of Henan Province should strengthen its own management , make clear its own positioning , perfect the corporate governance structure and perfect the risk internal control system ; and thirdly , the Bank of Henan Province should strengthen the supervision and cooperation , promote its formal and effective operation and better serve the rural financial market .
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