本文关键词:基于极值理论的存款保险定价研究 出处:《南京财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the gradual implementation of the interest rate marketization process in China, the risks faced by commercial banks are gradually enhanced, and the possibility of commercial banks suffering bankruptcy is gradually increased, as an important market exit mechanism. Deposit insurance system has been paid more and more attention by financial institutions. Undoubtedly, the core of a sound deposit insurance system is the calculation of deposit insurance rate. Reasonable deposit insurance rate can effectively solve the moral hazard and adverse selection caused by deposit insurance system. So in order to better play the role of deposit insurance system to maintain financial security. Deposit insurance pricing has become a hot issue in the field of deposit insurance in recent years. With the development of financial risk management theory, VaR and CVaR risk measurement methods with its intuitive description of risk. The accurate calculation of the maximum loss value has been widely used by the global financial institutions. It makes the traditional VaR and CVaR estimation appear deviation, and the extreme value theory provides a simple way to estimate the risk value in the case of tail. This paper is based on the risk neutral theorem. The pricing problem of deposit insurance is transformed into the estimation problem of VaR and CVaR, and the thick tail phenomenon of asset loss distribution in commercial banks is accurately characterized by extreme value theory. The estimation accuracy of VaR and CVaR is improved to get a fairer deposit insurance rate. At the same time, the system risk is taken into account in the pricing process of deposit insurance. This paper qualitatively analyzes the difference between deposit insurance rate and fair pricing deposit insurance rate under the influence of system risk, and obtains the formula of deposit insurance premium under system risk. Thus further improve the deposit insurance pricing process.
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