本文关键词:我国上市公司高管更换与企业绩效关系实证研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition, the acceleration of the pace of globalization and the improvement of corporate governance theory and practice, the proportion of executives in listed companies is also increasing. With the further development of shareholding system reform, state-owned holding enterprises began to step onto the stage of our country's securities market, and occupied most of the seats of our country's securities market, because of the immature development of our country's securities market. State-owned holding enterprises have problems such as long chain of principal-agent, absence of ultimate owners, unscientific corporate governance mechanism, and so on. Most of them exist in the form of family enterprises. Facing the development path different from the western stock market, the management and development of the listed companies in our country must have strong Chinese characteristics. Then, in the listed companies of our country. How does the turnover of executives affect the performance of listed companies? Does the decline in the performance of listed companies cause the change of executives? What is the sensitivity of the change of the senior executives of the state-owned listed companies to the performance of the enterprises compared with the change of the senior executives of the private enterprises? These will be the focus of attention. This paper through the Cathay Pacific database, Giant Tide Information Network, China listed companies Information Network and other authoritative information publishing organizations to organize the disclosure of data. Finally, 375 listed companies with abnormal changes are selected as the final sample, from the perspective of the reasons that affect the change of executives and the impact on corporate performance after the change of executives, the logical regression is carried out. Finally we get the following conclusion: poor corporate performance is one of the important reasons leading to the change of executives, and from the other reasons leading to the change of executives, the age factor has an obvious reverse effect on the change of general manager. That is, with the age of the general manager, the possibility of change becomes smaller. Age is not obvious to the chairman. The term of office of the chairman is negatively correlated with abnormal replacement. The term of the general manager is positively correlated with the change. From the comparison between state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned enterprises, the abnormal change of senior executives of non-state-owned enterprises is more significant than that of state-owned enterprises. And the effect of corporate performance on the change of chairman and general manager is opposite. When considering the role of executive change on corporate performance. It can be found that the effect of executive change on corporate performance is very limited. Based on the results of theoretical analysis and empirical test, we can find that there are still many defects in corporate governance of listed companies in China. This paper puts forward some relevant policy suggestions from the aspects of reforming and perfecting the mechanism of appointment and removal of senior managers, strengthening the internal and external supervision mechanism and speeding up the construction of the manager's market.
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