本文关键词: 高频数据 共同跳跃 MHAR模型 风险度量 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the increasingly complex financial market environment, investors pay more attention to risk assessment and management while pursuing the maximization of returns. Therefore, risk management has become one of the most important research topics for financial scholars. With the wide application of non-parametric estimation in estimating volatility, people pay more attention to the importance of rich information in the day for risk management. The study of jump behavior based on high frequency data can explain the effect of intraday abnormal events on price and risk in reality. Jump behavior plays an important role in accurate prediction of variance. The common jump behavior is also very important for accurate prediction of covariance, and it is also important for the rational allocation of asset portfolio and the optimization of asset management. In this paper, based on the existing literature, based on high-frequency data, From the following several aspects of the joint jump behavior between different financial assets related modeling research: 1) A systematic description of the domestic and foreign financial assets in recent years on the joint jump research status. And theoretically analyzes the leapfrogging and diffusion process of asset price clothing, and provides the theoretical basis for the later research. (2) systematically expounds four commonly used intraday jump test statistics. And from the perspective of empirical comparison of these intraday jump test statistics, By comparing the statistics with simulated data and empirical data, it is found that ABFN statistics have certain advantages in the detection of hopping behavior on the whole. 3) the ABFN statistics are used to peel off the jump variance sequence and jump. After the jump covariance sequence, The multi-asset MHAR-RCV-CJ models of predictive variance and covariance are established, and compared with the prediction accuracy of MHAR-RCV model, the importance of common jump in predicting covariance is proved. Considering that the common jump can better predict covariance. 4) based on the prediction of variance and covariance using MHAR-RCV-CJ model and MHAR-RCV model, The VaR and es risk measurements of the constructed equal-weight portfolio are analyzed and compared respectively. It is found that the risk measurement effect ratio of the portfolio constructed by the MHAR-RCV-CJ model with jump and joint jump is less than that of skip and joint jump. The effect of MHAR-RCV model is good. It is more accurate than the VaR measurement method. It is a better method for portfolio risk measurement. This paper is a periodic research result of the project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Research on the jump behavior of financial assets based on the realized measurement of non-parametric methods" (no. 71171056).
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