本文选题:社会子网络 切入点:网络规模 出处:《华南理工大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:我国中小企业普遍面临银行贷款难的问题。近年来,学术界较多地从社会网络这条非规则式的渠道去寻找解决办法,有效地弥补了传统融资理论的“社会化不足”和“零嵌入性”问题。但目前的研究存在一些不足:第一,中小企业社会网络中存在政府、银行、其他企业、学研机构、企业主的亲友、非银行金融中介等节点,这些节点对促进中小企业贷款起着独特的作用,又影响其他节点。但已有研究较为集中地对政府和银行两个节点进行探讨,忽视了其他节点的作用;第二,较多地从网络规模和网络强度两个维度进行分析,忽视了其他社会网络维度和社会网络理论的运用。因此,十分有必要从更多角度对复杂的社会网络系统关系进行梳理。 基于此,本文首先介绍了社会网络相关理论、交易成本理论、企业金融中介理论,并对六个主要节点与企业融资关系的文献进行了梳理,提出了本文的研究构想。然后,在对社会子网络划分的基础上,构建子网络关系对中小企业银行贷款影响机制的理论模型,并从三个层面对社会网络相关维度与银行贷款体系的关系进行实证分析。主要结论有: 第一,了解了子网络的网络规模、网络强度、网络质量等基本情况。各维度均值的排序由大至小为:(1)网络规模:人企网络、企业网络、政企网络、银企网络、中介网络、产学研网络。(2)网络强度:政企网络、人企网络、企业网络、产学研网络、中介网络、银企网络。(3)网络质量:人企网络、企业网络、产学研网络、政企网络、中介网络、银企网络。 第二,探讨了子网络发展质量与贷款能力的关系。(1)人企网络对政企网络、银企网络和产学研网络具有显著正影响关系;政企网络对银企网络、企业网络和产学研网络有显著正影响;银企网络对产学研网络有显著正影响作用;产学研网络对企业网络有显著正影响;中介网络对银企网络也有显著正影响作用。(2)政企网络、企业网络、人企网络、中介网络发展质量对贷款能力有显著正影响作用,它们能有效提升贷款能力;银企网络质量对贷款能力的促进作用受到限制;产学研网络质量对贷款能力的影响是负向的。 第三,研究了子网络关系强度与贷款可得性的关系。(1)银企网络和人企网络关系强度能有效促进贷款可得性;政企网络、企业网络、中介网络关系强度不能有效促进贷款的获得;产学研网络关系强度越大,贷款可得性越小。(2)银企网络和人企网络关系强度与中小企业获取贷款资源的关系可以被强关系假设解释;产学研网络关系强度与贷款可得性的关系可被弱关系假设解释;其他子网络与贷款可得性的关系没有接受强关系和弱关系假设检验。 第四,分析了两类嵌入性子网络关系与贷款率、贷款成本、贷款期限、贷款违约率的关系。(1)拥有关系性和结构性嵌入网络的中小企业,均能获得更多数量和更长期限的贷款、付出更少的成本。(2)拥有关系性嵌入网络的中小企业,在贷款中会减少对结构性嵌入网络的依赖;不拥有关系性嵌入网络的中小企业大多会增加对结构性嵌入网络的依赖,但银企网络、人企网络对产学研网络关系的依赖作用除外。(3)依靠关系性嵌入网络的中小企业未来的贷款违约率相对更高;依靠结构性嵌入网络的中小企业未来的贷款违约率相对更低。 本文的贡献在于:中小企业通过利用社会网络关系,改善网络规模、强度和质量,促进子网络间的相互作用等,能够提升贷款能力和优化银行贷款结构,为解决中小企业融资难提供非制度和非经济上的理论指导。
[Abstract]:General small and medium-sized enterprises of our country face the difficult problem of bank loans. In recent years, the academic circles more from the social network that informal channels to seek solutions to effectively make up the traditional financing theory "lack of socialization" and "embeddedness". But the current research has some shortcomings: first, the existence of government, small and medium-sized enterprises in the social network bank, other enterprises, research institutions, enterprises and non bank financial intermediaries, and other nodes, these nodes plays a unique role in promoting SME loans, and influence other nodes. But the existing research is concentrated on the government and the Bank of two nodes and ignore other nodes; second, more from the two dimensions of network size and network strength analysis, neglect the use of other dimensions of social network and social network theory. Therefore, it is necessary from the More angle to combing the complex social network system relationship.
Based on this, this paper first introduces the social network theory, transaction cost theory, the theory of financial intermediary business, and the six main nodes and the relationship between corporate finance literature of the sort, put forward the research ideas of this paper. Then, based on the social network division, theoretical model of influence mechanism to construct the sub network the relationship between bank loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, and from the three aspects of the relationship between social network related dimensions and bank loan system for empirical analysis. The main conclusions are:
First, understand the sub network scale, network strength, the basic situation of the network quality. The dimensions of the average ranking from large to small is: (1) the size of the network: enterprise network, enterprise network, enterprise network, network bank, intermediary network, research network. (2) the network strength: government network people, enterprise network, enterprise network, research network, intermediary network, network bank. (3) the network quality: enterprise network, enterprise network, research network, enterprise network, network intermediary, bank network.
Second, discusses the relationship between the quality of network development and lending ability. (1) one enterprise network enterprise network, has a significant positive impact on relationship network and research network; enterprise network of network bank, has a significant positive impact on the enterprise network and research network; network bank has a significant positive effect on the Research of network research network; there is a significant positive impact on the enterprise network; the intermediary network has a significant positive effect on the bank network. (2) the enterprise network, enterprise network, enterprise network, network intermediary development quality has a significant positive effect on lending capacity, they can effectively improve the quality of Bank loans; loan network promotion ability is limited research on the quality of network effects; lending capacity is negative.
Third, the strength of network ties and loan availability. (1) the relationship between bank and enterprise network and network relationship strength can effectively promote the availability of bank loans; government and enterprise network, enterprise network, network intermediary relationship strength can not effectively promote the loan; research network relationship strength increases, the availability of bank loans smaller. (2) the relationship between enterprise network and network strength and small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain loans of resources can be strong hypothesis to explain the relationship between strength and network; and the availability of bank loans can be weak ties hypothesis to explain; other sub networks and the availability of bank loans have not received strong ties and weak ties hypothesis testing.
Fourth, analysis of the two kinds of embedded sub network and the cost of loans, loan rate, loan term, loan default rate relationship. (1) have a relationship and structure embedded in a network of small and medium-sized enterprises, can obtain more quantity and longer term loans, pay less cost. (2) have a relational network the small and medium-sized enterprises, in the loan will reduce dependence on structural embeddedness of network; do not have relations of embedded network of small and medium-sized enterprises will mostly increase reliance on structural embedded network, but the network bank, except on effect of enterprise network to research network relations. (3) rely on the relational Embeddedness of network of small and medium-sized enterprises in the future the loan default rate is relatively higher; rely on structural embedded network of small and medium-sized enterprises in the future loan default rate is relatively lower.
The contribution of this paper is: the small and medium-sized enterprises through the use of social network, improve the network size, strength and quality, promote the network interaction, can enhance the lending capacity and optimize the structure of bank loans is difficult to provide non institutional and non economic theory by solving the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises.
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