本文选题:话语权理论 切入点:国际金融话语权 出处:《世界经济与政治》2012年01期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Based on the relevant theories of discourse and discourse right, the author interprets the meaning of who says, what to say and how to say about international financial discourse, and analyzes the characteristics of national centralism, constructivism and international finance. International financial interest refers to the six essential characteristics of the relevance of international monetary power, the dominance of international discourse and the relevance of international monetary power. Who is the object of discourse and who owns the right to construct the "reality" of international finance? what to say includes the right to make the rules of the game, the right to define the international identity, the right to choose the topic and the right to dominate the affairs of the international financial discourse. How to say it is related to the discourse platform and the effect of discourse. In the present situation of international financial discourse power, there is a hegemony-non-hegemonic discourse distribution structure. Its functions include maintaining the positive role of international financial order and stability and creating development hallucinations, replacing reality with false images, ranking and establishing international authority. Since the hegemony of international financial discourse will remain unipolar in the foreseeable future, China should rationally choose the means of communication, exchange and dialogue, from strengthening the sense of right to speak, constructing the localization of financial theory, and increasing the voting rights of international financial organizations. This paper takes the initiative to set up international financial issues, to promote the internationalization of RMB and to compete for the pricing power of international finance to effectively enhance its international financial discourse.
【作者单位】: 南京大学商学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重点项目“我国应对国际金融风险的对策研究”(批准号:08AJY029) 教育部人文社科基金项目“基于话语权考虑的国际金融合作策略研究”(批准号:09YJC790146)的阶段性研究成果
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