本文选题:金融资本 切入点:货币权力 出处:《世界经济与政治》2012年03期
[Abstract]:Throughout the development history of capitalist globalization, in the stage of commercial capital and industrial capital, the geo-relations with the goal of controlling the depth of resources and geography become the core of international relations in the colonization era.Since the 1970s, financial capital has become the core of the world division of labor and distribution, which makes the monetary power transcend the geographical strength and become the new hub of the relationship between countries in the era of financial capitalism.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the "unipolar" hegemony of the United States empowered the United States dollar, which made it unrestrained to increase its issuance and dominate the globalization of financial capital, which determined that the hegemony of the dollar became the essence of international relations in the era of currency politics.It also gives rise to the strengthening of the strategic system of the global currency margin of the United States, that is, the new hegemonic system with the core of US dollar capital, energy (oil and oil, food and grain) as the core.The author thinks that under this background, we can understand the characteristics of the era of "currency right", that is, based on the resource pricing power which determines the safety of the industrial chain, which is based on the geographical relationship and the resource pricing power which determines the safety of the industrial chain.With the credit system derived from the political sovereignty of contemporary countries and the independent fiscal and monetary policy as the core, the dollar can gain benefits and transfer costs in the capital expansion of the global economic financialization competition.In view of this, it is urgent for China to restore the sovereign monetary nature of the RMB, take the real economy as the original strategy to promote the vertical integration of domestic industries, "resource mercantilism" and "new emphasis on agriculture".On the basis of land power, the land depth of the strategic security of its currency margin is constructed.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院;华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;中国人民大学可持续发展高等研究院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重大项目“完善社会管理与维护社会稳定机制研究——农村对抗性冲突及其化解机制研究”(项目编号:07&ZD048) 中国人民大学985哲学社会科学发展试验创新基地(I类)三期项目的支持
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