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发布时间:2018-04-05 22:14

  本文选题:金融生态环境 切入点:指标体系 出处:《青岛大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The financial ecological environment is all the environments on which the main body of the financial ecology depends for its existence and operation. It is an important part of the financial ecology and has the systematic characteristics.The financial ecological environment is a complex comprehensive system.In the new normal, the development of finance has put forward new requirements, and the systematic study of financial ecological environment has become particularly important.First of all, on the basis of the research on financial ecology and financial ecological environment at home and abroad, it extends out of the financial ecosystem from the system and the ecosystem. In view of the research results of the experts, it defines the financial ecology and the financial ecological environment.Secondly, in line with scientific, comprehensive understanding of the financial ecological environment of 31 provinces and cities in China, under the principles of science, comprehensiveness, maneuverability, feasibility and comparability, from the level of economic development and the level of financial development,The evaluation index system is constructed from the four aspects of enterprise development level and legal environment. Thirdly, the utility theory method and the foreground theory method are used to evaluate the financial ecological environment.An example is given to analyze the financial ecological environment of 31 provinces and cities in China from 2011 to 2014.Finally, according to the results of the utility theory analysis and the prospect theory analysis, in speeding up economic development, speeding up the transformation of the existing financial structure, accelerating scientific and technological innovation, promoting the development of enterprises, and innovating the economic development structure in accordance with the law,This paper gives a series of targeted policy suggestions on the construction of innovative social environment.


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