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发布时间:2018-05-30 16:55

  本文选题:科技金融 + 结合效率 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Science and technology are the primary productive forces and finance is the primary driving force of modern economy. The effective combination of the two plays a great role in promoting economic growth. Qingdao is the core of Shandong Blue Peninsula Economic Zone. In 2012, Qingdao became one of the first pilot cities of science and technology finance in China, but the efficiency of combining science and technology with finance is still insufficient. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the efficiency of the combination of science and technology and finance in Qingdao to improve the economic level of Qingdao and even the Blue Peninsula Economic Zone. In this paper, literature review, quantitative analysis and comparative analysis are used to analyze and summarize the research contents. This paper briefly introduces the connotation of the efficiency of combining science and technology with finance from the theoretical level, and selects the method of data envelopment (DEAA) to study it, and according to the principle of index selection, the paper makes a brief introduction to the method of measuring the efficiency of science and technology. The input index and output index which affect the efficiency of combining science and technology with finance in Qingdao are constructed, and the weights of input index and output index which affect the efficiency of science and technology and finance combination in Qingdao are calculated and sorted by entropy weight method. Finally, the proportion of science and technology expenditure to GDP, the proportion of local finance science and technology appropriation to local fiscal expenditure as input index, the ownership of famous trademark of millions of people, the proportion of high-tech products exports to commodity exports as output indicators. By using DEA analysis method, the efficiency of Qingdao and 19 other selected cities is measured. The results show that Qingdao is ranked 18th among all the cities under investigation by combining the efficiency of science and technology with finance. The comprehensive technical efficiency is only 0.587, which is lower than the average of the comprehensive technical efficiency of all observed cities (0.718). The efficiency of combining science and technology with finance in Qingdao is at the downstream level in the whole country, and the efficiency of combining science and technology with finance is on the low side. Therefore, how to improve the efficiency of the combination of science and technology and finance in Qingdao, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and safeguards according to the actual development situation of Qingdao.


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