发布时间:2018-06-25 14:06
本文选题:顾客知识 + 人力资源管理实践 ; 参考:《南开大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:近年来,伴随着中国经济的快速发展和改革开放的不断深化,中国服务业发展迅速。而银行等典型服务业经营的最大挑战之一,就是面向顾客的一线员工(客户经理)的频繁跳槽。造成这种现象有多种原因,所带来的严重后果就是与客户经理直接建立关系的顾客大量流失。 有鉴于此,本文首要研究的问题是:如何通过有效地激励一线客户经理,促使他们经由积极地建立和维持顾客关系来获取更多的顾客知识,并且相互共享?显然,这样无疑可使更多停留在客户经理个体层面的顾客知识以各种形式固化在组织层面,帮助银行获取、积累丰富的顾客知识。一方面,即使客户经理跳槽,银行也可借由积累的顾客知识来采取针对性的营销策略,从而避免相应顾客的流失;另一方面,通过有效的顾客知识获取和整合机制,即使某一客户经理跳槽,银行也可迅速找到合适的替代者,让其在短时间内了解和掌握相应顾客的重要特征,从而更好地服务于顾客,使其继续选择该银行的服务。接下来,本文另一个重要的研究问题便是:在获取、积累顾客知识之后,顾客知识如何更有效地转化为组织绩效?初始的顾客知识往往是以不同形式表现的、零散的、未系统化的,以及分散在各部门或机构的。因而,顾客知识向组织绩效的转化并非简单的直接关系,银行需要考虑建立合适的结构、流程和文化,以有目的、有方向地整合和使用这些知识,这样才能使顾客知识能够更大限度地来改善和提升银行绩效。简言之,本文不仅探讨顾客知识的获取机制,同时也要讨论顾客知识的整合机制。对获取机制的解决,有助于从员工视角建立新的顾客知识获取路径,通过将员工层面的顾客知识转化为组织层面的知识,使传统的局限于顾客—客户经理之间的个体人际关系,逐渐升级为顾客—银行之间的正式商业关系;对整合机制的解决,有助于有目的、有方向地利用获取到的顾客知识来改善组织绩效,即发挥顾客知识的最大效用,这样也有助于解释为什么一些银行可以更有效地使用有限的顾客资源来实现可持续发展,而许多银行却往往难以做到这一点。 围绕上述两项关键研究问题,本研究主要开展以下研究工作:第一,全面、系统地梳理顾客知识及其管理研究领域的文献,在明晰以往研究现状及其不足的基础上,提出并区分两类不同的顾客知识,即关于顾客的知识、来自顾客的知识。第二,以人力资源管理实践、社会资本等领域的文献研究为依据,基于员工视角提出并区分顾客知识获取的两类渠道,即正式渠道的人力资源实践活动、非正式渠道的组织内社会资本。第三,依据两类顾客知识的内在特征,本研究提出并区别两类顾客知识可能侧重产生的不同绩效,即顾客绩效、新服务研发绩效。本研究所作的另一项重要研究工作,就是继续探讨顾客知识向不同绩效转化的中间机制,即提出并检验顾客导向、创新导向在其中的调节效应。简言之,顾客导向会有助于顾客知识向顾客绩效的转化,创新导向有助于顾客知识向新服务研发绩效的转化。第四,通过梳理以往文献研究以及对若干银行实施实地访谈,本研究针对概念模型中的各项变量设计测量量表,并针对银行中高层经理进行规模性的问卷调研,利用获取到的问卷数据对概念模型进行实证检验,并详细解释其中的研究结果。 通过上述研究工作,本研究得出以下研究结论:第一,顾客知识对银行建立竞争优势、获取优异绩效具有重要的基础作用。第二,不同类别的顾客知识侧重改善的银行绩效有所不同。关于顾客的知识更主要直接地侧重于提升顾客绩效,来自顾客的知识会更直接地侧重于提升新服务研发绩效。第三,无论是正式的知识获取和积累渠道,即承诺型和交易型的人力资源管理实践,还是非正式的知识获取和积累渠道,即组织内的社会资本,都有助于银行在组织层面获取、积累相应的顾客知识。但不同渠道在侧重获取的知识类别方面存在差异:侧重物质激励和单向、短期交换关系的交易型人力资源管理实践更有助于管理和激励客户经理帮助银行获取关于顾客的知识;侧重精神激励和双向、长期交换关系的承诺型人力资源管理实践更有助于管理和激励客户经理帮助银行获取来自顾客的知识。第四,组织导向会影响银行整合、使用顾客知识的有效性,并且不同导向的影响方向存在差异。顾客导向分别显著正向调节关于顾客的知识、来自顾客的知识与顾客绩效之间的关系;创新导向分别显著正向调节关于顾客的知识、来自顾客的知识与新服务研发绩效之间的关系。 本文的理论贡献主要表现在:第一,以银行为研究对象,提出并探讨从顾客知识获取到顾客知识整合的知识管理过程,一方面弥补以往有关顾客知识管理研究往往集中于探讨某一环节的局限,另一方面丰富有关顾客知识管理研究在某一行业的具体情境化认知。第二,本研究所作的最重要的一项贡献在于,从一线员工(客户经理)的角度,探视顾客知识的获取问题,丰富顾客知识管理的理论知识体系。第三,分析并探讨两类不同类别的顾客知识的获取和整合机制,尤其比较它们在获取机制方面的不同,以及侧重产生绩效的不同。第四,从组织导向的角度提出影响顾客知识整合效果的情境因素,丰富我们对顾客知识向组织绩效中间转化机制的认识。
[Abstract]:In recent years , with the rapid development of China ' s economy and the deepening of the reform and opening - up , China ' s service industry has developed rapidly . One of the biggest challenges for the typical service industry such as banks is the frequent hopping of the customer - oriented front - line staff ( customer manager ) . This phenomenon has many reasons , and the serious consequence is that the customer who directly establishes the relationship with the customer manager is largely lost .
In view of this , the main problem of this paper is how to get more customer knowledge through actively establishing and maintaining customer relationships , and to share them with each other ? Obviously , this will undoubtedly lead to more customer knowledge that stays at the individual level of the customer manager can be solidified at the organizational level in various forms , so as to help the bank obtain and accumulate rich customer knowledge . On the one hand , even if the account manager is hopping , the bank can adopt the accumulated customer knowledge to adopt the targeted marketing strategy , so as to avoid the loss of the corresponding customer ;
On the other hand , through the effective customer knowledge acquisition and integration mechanism , even if a customer manager is hopping , the bank can quickly find the right substitute so that it can understand and master the important characteristics of the customer in a short time , so that the customer knowledge can be more effectively converted into organizational performance .
The solution to the integration mechanism is helpful for the purpose and direction to use the acquired customer knowledge to improve organizational performance , that is , to exert the maximum utility of customer knowledge , which also helps explain why some banks can use limited customer resources more effectively to achieve sustainable development , and many banks are often difficult to do so .
Based on the literature research in the field of human resource management practice and social capital , this paper proposes and distinguishes two kinds of channels , namely customer performance and new service R & D performance .
Based on the research work , the following conclusions are drawn : First , customer knowledge has an important foundation for banks to build competitive advantage and acquire excellent performance . Secondly , knowledge of different categories focuses directly on improving the performance of new services . Third , whether formal knowledge acquisition and accumulation channels , namely commitment and transactional human resource management practices , or informal knowledge acquisition and accumulation channels , are helpful for banks to acquire and accumulate corresponding customer knowledge at the organizational level . However , there are differences in the types of knowledge acquired by different channels : side - to - side material incentives and one - way , short - term exchange relationships can help manage and motivate customer managers to help banks get knowledge about customers ;
Fourth , organizational guidance affects bank integration , uses the effectiveness of customer knowledge , and has a difference in the direction of influence of different guidance . The customer orientation positively regulates the knowledge of customers , the relationship between knowledge and customer ' s performance .
The innovation orientation positively regulates the relationship between the knowledge of the customer , the knowledge from the customer and the performance of the new service .
This paper presents and discusses the process of knowledge management from customer knowledge acquisition to customer knowledge integration in the first place , taking banks as research objects . On the one hand , it makes up for the limitation of customer knowledge management , and enriches the theory knowledge system of customer knowledge management . The third , analyzes and discusses the different kinds of customer knowledge acquisition and integration mechanism , and puts forward the contextual factors that affect customer knowledge integration effect from the perspective of organization guidance , and enriches our understanding of customer knowledge to organizational performance intermediate transformation mechanism .