本文选题:内部控制完善性 + 现场调查 ; 参考:《上海经济研究》2012年01期
[Abstract]:Based on the large-scale investigation of Shanghai Bank, this paper evaluates the perfection of the internal control system of commercial banking in Shanghai by using quantitative method. In terms of research methods, this paper improves the previous qualitative description methods, designs an evaluation method combining objective description factors, and constructs the index of the perfection of bank internal control. It has become a scientific evaluation method to judge the perfection of bank internal control system. Considering the difference of management mode between state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks, this paper further decomposes the internal control perfection index of two kinds of commercial banks in Shanghai, besides evaluating the overall index of internal control perfection of two kinds of commercial banks in Shanghai. Investigate the specific source of the difference between the two. The conclusion shows that the state-owned commercial banks have higher internal control consummation index and the overall internal control perfection degree is higher than that of the joint-stock commercial banks. Through the decomposition of the exponent, we can see the source of the high level of internal control perfection. Finally, the paper analyzes the causes of the perfection index of bank internal control and puts forward the concrete countermeasures to strengthen the internal control.
【作者单位】: 上海外贸学院金融学院;上海社会科学院世界经济研究所;
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