[Abstract]:After the people's Bank of China cancels the control of loan scale, it mainly adopts the monetary policy tool of indirect means to regulate the amount of credit. This paper first compares the average utility of quantitative and price-based instruments to adjust the scale of credit. On the whole, legal reserve requirement ratio, open market business is more effective than interest rate tools, and then variable parameter state space model is introduced. This paper analyzes the dynamic process of various instruments' influence on credit volume from 1998 to 2010, discusses the reasons why the influence is different in different stages, and thinks that the open market business may become the most important tool for the central bank to control the credit supply in the future. Reserves instruments will be more effective, while interest rate instruments will still not apply to regulating credit flows.
【作者单位】: 南京大学商学院;中国银行江苏省分行;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金重点项目“居民收入来源结构优化研究”(批准号:11AJL003) 国家自然科学基金“我国的通货膨胀预期与通货膨胀动态机制”(71103082)的资助
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