[Abstract]:As the main body of modern financial system, commercial banks are called "bridges" to the national economy. With the opening of China's financial market and the introduction of new regulatory standards, Chinese commercial banks will face severe challenges both at home and abroad. Modern capital structure theory holds that the optimization of enterprise capital structure has a very important effect on the improvement of business performance. In order to survive and develop in the market, the commercial banks of our country must improve their management performance and enhance their core competitiveness. This paper adopts the method of combining normative analysis and empirical analysis to analyze the current situation of Chinese listed commercial banks on the basis of theoretical analysis. At present, the capital structure of China's banking industry is lack of endogenous financing ability, the concentration of equity is too high, and the subsidiary capital structure is single. The analysis of business performance is mainly from the profitability, liquidity and security of commercial banks. By comparing the index data, it is found that the profit source of commercial banks in our country mainly depends on net interest margin, the non-interest income is low, and the active management of liquidity risk is not enough. The ability of risk prevention is insufficient: there is also a big gap between the security of asset quality and the management level of international advanced banks. The empirical part is a multivariate linear regression analysis of 16 listed commercial banks in China. The test results show that the proportion of subsidiary capital of commercial banks, listed outstanding shares, the capital adequacy ratio and operating performance are positively correlated, the first five shareholders' shareholding ratio and negative correlation with operating performance, But some of the results are inconsistent with the reality of China's banking sector, either for reasons of data or model setting. At the end of this paper, some suggestions are put forward to improve the capital structure and the performance of commercial banks. Commercial banks should diversify their equity structure, increase the proportion of subsidiary capital, strengthen the supervision of capital adequacy ratio, and actively improve the external operating environment of banks.
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