[Abstract]:Commercial bank is an important financial institution with high risk, and its risk affects the stability of economy and society. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, with the further marketization of interest rates and the further improvement of the capital market, the various risks faced by commercial banks in China will be more complex and the situation is more severe, which also puts forward strict requirements for our country's regulatory bodies. In this context, the comprehensive risk assessment system of commercial banks in China has not been able to meet the needs of the development of the times. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the risk assessment system of commercial banks in China. This paper studies the characteristics of commercial banks and their risks, classifies the risks of commercial banks according to their risk inducing factors, and then analyzes the concept, source, supervision requirements and current situation of each kind of risk. In the empirical part, according to each kind of risk selection evaluation index, the commercial bank risk evaluation index system is established to evaluate the comprehensive risk of 16 listed commercial banks in China. In order to better explain the specific level of the risk of commercial banks in China, 5 foreign commercial banks are selected as comparative data in the top 30 of the World Bank rankings. Then the index system is weighted by factor analysis method for each risk dimension, and then the entropy method is used to calculate the comprehensive score of the risk of commercial banks in China. The results show that the risk level of commercial banks in China is generally low and the average risk level of joint-stock commercial banks is higher than that of state-owned commercial banks. In terms of specific risks, Chinese commercial banks lag behind foreign commercial banks in terms of capital risk and operational risk, but credit risk and profit risk are better than foreign commercial banks. However, attention should be paid to the promotion of interest rate marketization. This advantage will be difficult to maintain in the future. Finally, according to the conclusions of the study, the commercial banks and the regulatory bodies respectively put forward recommendations. From the current research, most of the established risk assessment system of commercial banks can not comprehensively measure the main risks of commercial banks. The possible innovations of this paper are as follows: (1) operational risk is considered in the index system. In the index system, the subjective scoring method is used to evaluate the operational risk indirectly from the aspects of operational risk disclosure, internal control and measurement. (2) the market risk is quantified. In the index system, the index of interest rate and exchange rate is selected to measure the market risk, and the market risk is comprehensively quantified. (3) the comparative data are added. International large commercial banks are chosen as comparison banks to explain the current risk level of Chinese commercial banks more concretely.
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