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发布时间:2018-09-11 21:23
【摘要】:随着互联网相关技术的不断成熟和普及,互联网金融的商业模式不断完善,互联网金融展现在大家面前的是一幅全新的金融业态画面。互联网金融的发展或许会实现一些像除去金融中介这样大胆的设想,同时解决困扰大家很久的金融难题,比如我国的中小企业融资难问题。 当前,互联网金融的兴起正迅速地改变着金融业的格局。在竞争日趋激烈的环境中,国内的商业银行已不再是当年的绝对垄断者,商业银行要想在竞争中求得生存与发展,势必需要做出相应的改变。 本文正是在这样的一个背景下开始的写作。金融业属于第三产业,对于金融业当中的商业银行来说,做好服务是其存在的根本,客户是否满意是衡量服务质量最重要的指标。本文是从商业银行服务的角度来展开研究,在互联网金融背景下,商业银行的服务如何才能让客户满意,商业银行的服务如何进行转型升级才能顺应新时代的发展,这些就是本文所要研究的主题。 论文正文主要分为六部分:第一章绪论包括了选题的背景与意义、研究的思路与方法、主要内容以及文章的创新点。 第二章是文献综述与相关理论基础。主要介绍了互联网金融与商业银行服务转型的研究现状,其中对互联网金融中的信息处理与商业银行服务做了深入调研分析。本文在前人研究的基础之上将系统地研究当商业银行处在一个全新的竞争环境中时,如何进行服务转型。 第三章是互联网金融概述、发展与挑战。该章介绍了互联网金融概念、相关IT技术、模式分类和国内外互联网金融发展现状。最后分析互联网金融给传统金融带来的变化以及给商业银行带来的挑战。 第四章战略导向的商业银行服务转型分析是本文的重点和创新点。该章首先介绍战略管理的相关概念,再分析商业银行与互联网金融企业各自的优势,通过SWOT分析方法给出了商业银行服务的总体战略,根据波特的“五力模型”给出了商业银行服务的竞争战略,从战略的角度对商业银行服务转型提供一个宏观的指导方向。最后通过服务创新来具体阐述商业银行应该如何进行服务转型。 第五章案例分析首先介绍了中国农业银行信息系统的具体情况。再对该信息系统出现的问题进行逐个分析,并给出相应解决方案。这些问题的提出、分析与解决都是针对互联网金融来考虑的。通过一个具体的案例分析,论文给出了关于商业银行如何进行服务转型的更具有现实意义的建议。 第六章是全文总结,指出论文的不足之处,并给出今后的研究方向。 全文主要围绕互联网金融和商业银行服务这两个关键点来展开。在分析方法上主要采用的是战略管理中的SWOT分析和竞争“五力模型”。本文研究的方法,考虑问题的思路以及得出的相关结论不仅对商业银行发展具有较强的现实意义,同时也为其他行业在新环境下如何进行业务调整去适应环境的改变提供了参考借鉴依据。
[Abstract]:With the maturity and popularity of Internet-related technologies and the improvement of the business model of Internet finance, Internet finance is presenting a new picture of the financial industry. Problems, such as the financing difficulties of SMEs in China.
At present, the rise of Internet finance is rapidly changing the pattern of the financial industry. In the increasingly competitive environment, domestic commercial banks are no longer the absolute monopoly of the year. If commercial banks want to survive and develop in the competition, they must make corresponding changes.
Financial industry belongs to the tertiary industry. For commercial banks in the financial industry, good service is the basis of its existence. Customer satisfaction is the most important index to measure the quality of service. How can the service of commercial banks satisfy customers and how can the service of commercial banks be transformed and upgraded to conform to the development of the new era are the subjects of this paper.
The main body of the paper is divided into six parts: The first chapter is the introduction of the background and significance of the topic, research ideas and methods, the main content and the innovation of the article.
The second chapter is the literature review and the related theoretical basis. It mainly introduces the research status of Internet finance and the service transformation of commercial banks, in which the information processing and the service of commercial banks in Internet finance are deeply investigated and analyzed. How to transform service in competitive environment?
The third chapter is an overview of Internet finance, development and challenges. This chapter introduces the concept of Internet finance, related IT technology, pattern classification and the development status of Internet finance at home and abroad.
Chapter Four is the focus and innovation of this paper. This chapter first introduces the related concepts of strategic management, then analyzes the respective advantages of commercial banks and Internet financial enterprises, gives the overall strategy of commercial bank services through SWOT analysis method, and according to Porter's "Five Forces Model" The competitive strategy of commercial banks'services provides a macro direction for the service transformation of commercial banks from the strategic point of view.
The fifth chapter introduces the concrete situation of the information system of the Agricultural Bank of China at first, then analyzes the problems of the information system one by one, and gives the corresponding solutions. There are more realistic suggestions for commercial banks to carry out service transformation.
The sixth chapter is the summary of the paper, pointing out the shortcomings of the paper and giving the future research directions.
This paper mainly focuses on the two key points of Internet finance and commercial banking services.The analysis method mainly adopts SWOT analysis in strategic management and "Five Forces Model" of competition. At the same time, it also provides a reference for other industries in the new environment how to adjust business to adapt to changes in the environment.


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