发布时间:2018-09-18 11:17
【摘要】:长期以来,福建省农村融资始终面临着信贷支持少、信贷制度不合理、融资渠道狭窄、融资成本高的困境,造成这一困境的原因除了企业(农户)的自身因素外,还与金融机制和整体融资环境的制约密切相关。为缓解这一困境,国际经验和福建省部分地区的实践经验均表明,推动农村融资性担保机构的发展,在参与金融交易的金融机构和农村经济主体之间引入一个中介性质的第三方担保,在某种程度上有利于解决担保约束问题,进而达到解决融资难的目的。因此,深入考察农村信贷融资的担保约束及当前福建省农村融资性担保机构的发展状况,对推动我省农村融资性担保机构发展具有一定现实意义。 本文以福建省农村融资性担保机构为研究对象,从福建省县村融资困境入手,深入剖析了发展农村融资性担保机构的必要性;进而对福建省农村融资性担保机构发展情况进行了详细分析,对国家和福建省推动(农村)融资性担保机构发展的政策进行了梳理,由此归纳出福建省农村融资性担保机构存在的问题及制约因素;并在对国外融资担保机构进行比较和借鉴、对我省宁德、三明两地有代表性农村融资性担保机构典型案例进行分析总结的基础上,提出了推动福建省农村融资性担保机构发展的对策建议。 本文采取的研究方法主要有以下几类:(1)统计分析法。利用省级监管部门的融资性担保机构管理平台网络,对我省融资性担保机构、农村融资性担保机构基础数据和运行情况进行统计分析。(2)问卷调查法。通过发放调查问卷的方式,了解我省农村融资性担保机构基本情况、存在的问题。(3)文献分析法。主要用于对国内外有关融资担保机构(机制)进行研究综述,对国家及福建省支持农村融资性担保机构发展的政策进行归纳总结。(4)对比研究法。对美国、德国、日本三国的融资担保机制进行详细的对比分析。(5)案例分析法。对宁德、三明两地比较有代表性的农村融资性担保机构案例加以分析总结。 本文通过系统分析而形成的结论主要有以下几个方面: 第一,在对福建省县村融资的困境和成因进行分析,并对融资性担保机构在缓解县村融资困难方面所起的作用进行归纳的基础上,提出福建省发展农村融资担保机构的必要性。 第二,在对福建省农村融资性担保机构发展现状进行研究的基础上,总结福建省农村融资性担保机构发展的成效,并提出其存在的主要问题及制约因素。 第三,在比较借鉴国外经验及本省典型案例经验的基础上,提出推动福建省农村融资性担保机构发展的对策建议。
[Abstract]:For a long time, rural financing in Fujian Province has been faced with the dilemma of little credit support, unreasonable credit system, narrow financing channels and high financing cost. Also closely related to the financial mechanism and the overall financing environment constraints. In order to alleviate this dilemma, international experience and practical experience in some parts of Fujian Province have shown that the development of rural financing guarantee institutions should be promoted. The introduction of an intermediary third-party guarantee between the financial institutions involved in financial transactions and the rural economic entities helps to solve the problem of guarantee constraint to a certain extent and then to achieve the purpose of solving the financing difficulties. Therefore, it is of practical significance to investigate the guarantee constraints of rural credit financing and the current development of rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province in order to promote the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in our province. This article takes the Fujian Province rural financing guarantee institution as the research object, starting with the Fujian county village financing predicament, has deeply analyzed the necessity of the development of the rural financing guarantee institution; Then, the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province is analyzed in detail, and the policies of promoting the development of financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province and Fujian Province are combed out. The problems and restrictive factors of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province are summed up, and the foreign financing guarantee institutions are compared and used for reference. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the typical cases of the representative rural financing guarantee institutions in Sanming, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province. The research methods adopted in this paper are as follows: (1) Statistical analysis. By using the management platform network of financing guarantee institution of provincial supervision department, this paper makes statistical analysis on the basic data and operation situation of financing guarantee institution and rural financing guarantee institution in our province. (2) questionnaire survey method. Through the way of questionnaire, we can find out the basic situation and existing problems of rural financing guarantee institutions in our province. (3) the literature analysis method. It is mainly used to summarize the research on financing guarantee institutions (mechanisms) at home and abroad, and to sum up the policy of supporting the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in China and Fujian Province. (4) the comparative research method. Compare and analyze the financing guarantee mechanism of America, Germany and Japan in detail. (5) case analysis. Ningde, Sanming two more representative rural financing guarantee institutions to analyze and summarize the case. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, this paper analyzes the difficulties and causes of county and village financing in Fujian Province. On the basis of summing up the role of financing guarantee institutions in alleviating the financing difficulties of county and village, the necessity of developing rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province is put forward. Secondly, on the basis of the research on the current situation of the development of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province, the paper summarizes the achievements of the development of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province, and puts forward the main problems and restrictive factors. Thirdly, on the basis of comparing the experiences of foreign countries and typical cases of Fujian Province, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province.
[Abstract]:For a long time, rural financing in Fujian Province has been faced with the dilemma of little credit support, unreasonable credit system, narrow financing channels and high financing cost. Also closely related to the financial mechanism and the overall financing environment constraints. In order to alleviate this dilemma, international experience and practical experience in some parts of Fujian Province have shown that the development of rural financing guarantee institutions should be promoted. The introduction of an intermediary third-party guarantee between the financial institutions involved in financial transactions and the rural economic entities helps to solve the problem of guarantee constraint to a certain extent and then to achieve the purpose of solving the financing difficulties. Therefore, it is of practical significance to investigate the guarantee constraints of rural credit financing and the current development of rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province in order to promote the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in our province. This article takes the Fujian Province rural financing guarantee institution as the research object, starting with the Fujian county village financing predicament, has deeply analyzed the necessity of the development of the rural financing guarantee institution; Then, the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province is analyzed in detail, and the policies of promoting the development of financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province and Fujian Province are combed out. The problems and restrictive factors of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province are summed up, and the foreign financing guarantee institutions are compared and used for reference. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the typical cases of the representative rural financing guarantee institutions in Sanming, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province. The research methods adopted in this paper are as follows: (1) Statistical analysis. By using the management platform network of financing guarantee institution of provincial supervision department, this paper makes statistical analysis on the basic data and operation situation of financing guarantee institution and rural financing guarantee institution in our province. (2) questionnaire survey method. Through the way of questionnaire, we can find out the basic situation and existing problems of rural financing guarantee institutions in our province. (3) the literature analysis method. It is mainly used to summarize the research on financing guarantee institutions (mechanisms) at home and abroad, and to sum up the policy of supporting the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in China and Fujian Province. (4) the comparative research method. Compare and analyze the financing guarantee mechanism of America, Germany and Japan in detail. (5) case analysis. Ningde, Sanming two more representative rural financing guarantee institutions to analyze and summarize the case. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, this paper analyzes the difficulties and causes of county and village financing in Fujian Province. On the basis of summing up the role of financing guarantee institutions in alleviating the financing difficulties of county and village, the necessity of developing rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province is put forward. Secondly, on the basis of the research on the current situation of the development of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province, the paper summarizes the achievements of the development of the rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province, and puts forward the main problems and restrictive factors. Thirdly, on the basis of comparing the experiences of foreign countries and typical cases of Fujian Province, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of rural financing guarantee institutions in Fujian Province.
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