[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China has gradually deepened its ties with the world economy, and with the continuous strengthening of China's economic strength and the rising influence of the RMB, the internationalization of the RMB has become an irresistible trend, which is becoming more and more important to the development of China's economy and the formation of its world status. Some scholars believe that the control of capital account has hindered the process of RMB internationalization and should be gradually opened up. Some scholars believe that the capital account in China at this stage. Regulation is still necessary. In recent years, China has made efforts and attempts to promote the internationalization of RMB. How to promote the internationalization of RMB through the opening of capital account is particularly important. In order to study the impact of capital account opening on RMB internationalization, we should first understand the relationship between the two. According to historical clues, we should know what extent China has developed and the attitude and policy changes of the Chinese government towards the two aspects, which will help to make an objective relationship between the two. Therefore, this paper first describes the development process, status quo and characteristics of the two. The starting point of the process of capital account opening is set in 1978, China's reform and opening up, because China was still a planned economy before this; and the process of RMB internationalization. At the same time, it is very important to review the international historical experience for evaluating the relationship between the two. After summarizing and analyzing the domestic situation, this paper analyzes the relationship between the opening of capital account and currency internationalization in the United States, Japan and Germany. Normative analysis shows that capital account opening is indeed the key factor to promote the internationalization of a country's currency. The effective flow of capital will increase people's confidence in the currency, thereby increasing the currency valuation, settlement and the proportion of the reserve currency. This paper makes an empirical analysis of the factors influencing the internationalization of the franc and the euro. By establishing a panel data model, it mainly observes the impact of capital account liberalization on currency internationalization. In order to get more accurate data, judge the impact of capital account liberalization on currency internationalization more objectively, and combine other major factors of currency internationalization with regression model. According to the characteristics of China's economic development, China should follow the principles of gradual progress, overall planning and strict supervision, expand the examination and approval of QFII, QDII, RDFII and other capital account transitional policies, and develop and improve the onshore market to offshore. The risk of capital account liberalization depends largely on the degree of development of the financial market. Therefore, in order to avoid the violent fluctuation brought by capital account liberalization, we should perfect our financial market. In addition to domestic reform, China should also actively cooperate with foreign countries to strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries, so as to improve the bargaining power and further expand the internationalization of the RMB.
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