[Abstract]:Credit risk is the biggest risk encountered by state-owned business in our country. By analyzing the measurement of credit risk, the state-owned commercial banks of our country can take corresponding measures according to the results of the analysis to prevent them, and ultimately reduce the losses caused by credit risk. Through the comprehensive analysis of the current research results of this topic in China, we hope to find a more scientific and reasonable credit risk measurement model, so as to measure the credit gap more accurately. Finally, it can put forward the corresponding measures to solve the credit risk problem. This paper first analyzes the current research situation of credit risk of state-owned commercial banks, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these models. The credit risk measurement model established in this paper is Z scoring model, and then combined with specific cases, the corresponding empirical analysis. Finally, this paper puts forward a series of measures to improve the credit risk measurement of commercial banks in China, hoping that the credit risk management of state-owned banks can be further improved through the research of this paper. This paper mainly involves the following aspects: 1. This paper comprehensively analyzes and summarizes the current research on the management of bank credit risk, and probes into the present situation and causes of credit risk of state-owned commercial banks in China in detail. Then it evaluates the credit risk management methods of state-owned commercial banks at this stage, and finally leads to the argument of this paper. 2. This paper discusses the risk management of state-owned commercial banks in China. Focus on the analysis of the existing problems, and then put forward that our country must further improve the risk measurement of state-owned commercial banks. 3. 3. After selecting Z scoring model, the empirical research is carried out by case study. 4. According to the situation of empirical research and the current situation of economic development and industry background, this paper puts forward a series of measures to improve the credit risk measurement of state-owned commercial banks in China, in order to make them occupy a favorable position in the international competition.
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