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发布时间:2018-10-17 18:14
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, small and medium-sized enterprises in China have developed rapidly and made great contributions to the prosperity of the market and the expansion of employment. However, because of the imperfect financial information system and unstable operating performance, SMEs are facing difficulties in financing from banks. In recent years, under the background of interest rate marketization, commercial banks, in order to enhance their competitive advantage, began to actively open up the blue sea area of SME credit. "Credit factory" means to deal with the credit business of small and medium-sized enterprises in batches by assembly line. Combined with the successful experience of international commercial bank process reengineering, "credit factory", a new type of SME credit business model, is gradually recognized by commercial banks. And the introduction of domestic commercial banks. Combined with the introduction of the existing "credit factory" model in commercial banks, this paper attempts to analyze the practical effect of the model in solving the credit business problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. By summarizing and evaluating the efficiency of "credit factory" of different types of commercial banks, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions for the development of this model in the future. This paper firstly combs the relationship between bank scale and SME financing, the theoretical study of bank process reengineering and "credit factory" model, and lays the groundwork for the detailed analysis of the emergence and development of "credit factory" model and the characteristics of business process. Then, the paper analyzes the practical cases of different types of commercial banks operating "credit factories", and compares the differences and effects of using this model in different scale banks. Then the bank structure variable is introduced to test the operation efficiency of "credit factory", including business efficiency analysis and control efficiency analysis. By using comparative analysis, case analysis and empirical analysis, this paper draws some conclusions about the efficiency of "credit factory": (1) the model of "credit factory" is effective for domestic commercial banks as a whole, and from the perspective of business efficiency, This model can effectively increase the proportion of SME credit business in commercial banks of our country. From the view of risk control efficiency, the model can effectively control the risk caused by SMEs credit business from the overall level; (2) introducing the "credit factory" model is more valuable to the big banks, especially in the aspect of credit risk control; (3) the different types of commercial banks are different when they run the "credit factory" model. In a word, through the experience summary and empirical analysis of the "credit factory" model, it is concluded that the efficiency of this model is different for commercial banks of different sizes. Therefore, the operation of this model should be adjusted and emphasized by different types of commercial banks in the future.


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