[Abstract]:Credit card receivables asset-backed securities originated in 1987 in the United States, once its market expanded rapidly, has become an important part of the U.S. asset securitization market. Asset securitization of credit card accounts receivable can rapidly separate accounts receivable from the balance sheet of commercial banks, help issuers to improve their financial situation, relieve liquidity pressure and provide a low-cost financing channel. As a securitization product based on revolving credit assets, there are many differences between credit card asset-backed securities and traditional credit asset-backed securities, which are directly reflected in their transaction flow design, cash flow management and so on. This paper discusses the operation and design principle of credit card asset-backed securities based on the circulation characteristics of credit card accounts receivable asset pool and drawing on the development experience of foreign countries. This paper discusses the feasibility, necessity and pricing of credit card receivables asset-backed securities in China. At present, the credit card market in our country is in the period of rapid growth. On the one hand, the amount of cards in the market and the scale of accounts receivable have all reached the level of securitization. On the other hand, in order to expand the scope of business, commercial banks are constantly seeking to be more effective. Low-cost financing, this for the development of credit card accounts receivable asset-backed securities business to create conditions. However, due to the lack of experience in credit card accounts receivable securitization, the financial market is not mature, and the corresponding laws and regulations system has not been established, which will lead to a lot of difficulties in the process of securitization. From the aspects of design and operation of securities as well as the legal level, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the problems faced in the development of credit card receivable asset-backed securities in China.
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2 N惖涝,