[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, with the rapid development of China's economy, the development of the capital market has also developed by leaps and bounds, and has gradually developed into one of the important markets to support the continued development of our economy. However, the OTC market in China has been faltering since 1980's and failed to form a complete and unified system. In recent years, with the gradual liberalization of the capital market policy, the launch of a number of OTC markets, represented by the new third Board, marks the re-emergence of the OTC market in China. In September 2008, Tianjin Stock Exchange was registered in Binhai New area. Since its establishment, the Tianjin Stock Exchange has developed rapidly and successfully provided a new way of financing for many small and medium enterprises. The Tianjin Stock Exchange, as an "experimental field" of our country's over-the-counter trading market, actively draws lessons from foreign excellent over-the-counter market development experiences in terms of trading system, regulatory system, market structure, and regulatory system, etc. Combined with the actual situation of our country, it has made some contribution to the development of Tianjin and even our over-the-counter market. Based on the field investigation of Tianjin Stock Exchange, combined with the development of over-the-counter market in China, especially the development of over-the-counter market in Tianjin, this paper deeply analyzes the unique development mode of Tianjin Stock Exchange, including its financing mode. Transaction pricing model, market structure model and regulatory model. By comparing the development of the new three boards in China, this paper analyzes and summarizes the success of Tianjin Stock Exchange and the problems to be solved urgently, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the further development of Tianjin Stock Exchange: perfecting the relevant legal system; It is necessary to define the supervision and ownership of the market, to establish the transfer channel between Tianjin Stock Exchange and other capital markets, to perfect the market maker system of Tianjin Stock Exchange, and to adjust the threshold of listing entry appropriately. At the same time, the conclusion of the paper can also provide reference for the further development of other OTC markets in order to promote the overall level of OTC market in China.
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