[Abstract]:Since Taylor put forward the Taylor rule, this simple linear rule has become an important tool to study the monetary policy of the central bank. By estimating the Taylor rule, the public can know the weight that the central bank gives to inflation and output gaps in macroeconomic regulation, which enhances the transparency of monetary policy and helps the central bank to guide public expectations. In order to achieve better policy control effect. However, with the deepening of financial liberalization, the fluctuation of financial market brings great risks to the macro-economic operation. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has made many central banks realize that attention must be paid to guiding and intervening in the financial market when carrying out macro-control. To reduce the possibility of major fluctuations in the economy. Under this background, scholars have studied whether the financial situation index (FCI) can be incorporated into the framework of monetary policy formulation. For the study of Taylor's rule, adding FCI to the interest rate response function has become a new research direction. In addition, because the change of economy itself is nonlinear, and the policy behavior of central bank in different economic situations is often asymmetric, it is empirically desirable to use nonlinear Taylor rule to describe the policy behavior of central bank. In this paper, the traditional Taylor rule and the improved Taylor rule are comprehensively studied. Considering the increasing importance of China's financial market, this paper first constructs a financial situation index including interest rate, exchange rate, house price, stock price and money supply, and tests the information predictability of FCI. It is found that FCI can predict inflation in the future, but not in output growth. Then we investigate the application of FCI in China's monetary policy from two angles: (1) when estimating the moment of linear Taylor rule, adding FCI to the set of tool variables can significantly improve the fitting effect of Taylor rule; (2) the positive reaction coefficient of short-term interest rate to FCI is positive by adding FCI directly into the interest rate response function, and the adjustment of interest rate is helpful to stabilize the financial market, and it is feasible to add FCI to the Taylor rule. Finally, the nonlinear Taylor rule based on LSTR2 model is constructed in this paper. Through empirical research, we find that the central bank has an inflation response interval: in the range, the central bank mainly operates linearly, and when inflation exceeds the target range, the nonlinear characteristics of the central bank's policy behavior are obvious. In general, the nonlinear Taylor rule can not only depict the linear adjustment of central bank policy most of the time, but also capture the time-varying behavior of the central bank, and the goodness of fit is higher than 0.9, so it is more in line with the reality. The main policy suggestion of this paper is that the central bank should construct a financial situation index to monitor the degree of financial market tightness, and at the same time continue to promote the marketization of interest rate, which will lay the foundation for the future transition of monetary policy regulation to price-based instrument rules.
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