[Abstract]:The macro-economic growth rate slowed in 2014, and the service-led economy is gradually replacing the industrial-led economy. In 2014, China's currency multiplier is at a high level, which means that commercial banks still need to face a higher level of Statutory deposit reserve ratio. The Bank of China is facing considerable capital pressure. The people's Bank of China issued the Circular on further promoting the Reform of interest rate marketization. The people's Bank of China has fully liberalized the interest rate level of financial institutions. The deposit and loan competition of commercial banks will reach a new hot stage, the profit level of banks will decrease greatly, and the city commercial banks which are weak in capital and technology will face great challenges. Harbin Bank is the largest listed city commercial bank in Northeast China. It is of great significance for Harbin Bank to improve marketing efficiency and obtain long-term development by adopting event-based accurate marketing. The application of event-based accurate marketing in the credit business of small enterprises of Harbin Bank is a cross-disciplinary study involving computer science, marketing management and economics. It uses interviews, questionnaires, and expert scores. Qualitative research is carried out by historical literature analysis and quantitative research is carried out by using C5.0 decision tree algorithm model and boostings data advancement method. Based on the analysis of the implementation background of the event-based accurate marketing of Harbin Bank, it is found that Harbin Bank has a good database structure and data quality in the process of development, the credit experience of small enterprises is rich, the products are diverse, and the marketing channels are mature. Has the condition to carry on the event type accurate marketing condition. A precise marketing event database is designed through interview and investigation. It is found that loan maturity is the most valuable event in the event bank through expert scoring and database support testing. The interpreted variables designed for loan maturity events are whether the renewal behavior occurs or not. The explanatory variables include customer basic information variable, customer deposit variable, customer loan variable, and so on. Because the practical significance of the research lies in the precise marketing according to the renewal list generated by the model, it is more inclined to model and forecast the renewal. It is found that only part of the data can be retrieved from the database and the problem data with outliers and missing values exists through the data exploration of the interpreted variables and interpreted variables of the loan maturity customers. The sample data after abandonment and mean replacement can be used for data modeling. In the modeling process, statistical methods such as boostings data advancement and sample set segmentation are used to optimize the model, and the prediction accuracy of training sample set and test sample set is close to 95%. Applying the model to the new forecast data, the prediction precision is close to 90%. This shows that the model can be used to predict the list of loan renewal possibility of customers due to loan, which greatly reduces the marketing scope, reduces the marketing cost, and improves the marketing efficiency.
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