[Abstract]:The marketization of the offshore currency interest rate is one of the important bases for judging the maturity of the offshore financial market. The offshore market of the renminbi is a policy-driven offshore market and has a distinct specificity compared to the offshore market in the United States and Japan. Based on the analysis of the development of the offshore financial market after the second world war, the present situation and the necessity and conditions of the formation of the offshore renminbi interest rate in Hong Kong, the paper puts forward the way of promoting the market of the interest rate of the offshore RMB in Hong Kong and the relevant policy suggestions. It is pointed out that while the formation of the offshore renminbi interest rate in Hong Kong is short of the market mechanism, the main factor of its marketization lies in the supply and demand of the offshore RMB, but the key factors still come from the policy level. Therefore, it is necessary to step forward the marketization of the formation of the Hong Kong's offshore RMB rate through policy adjustment or deregulation.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学经济学院;
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