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TESCO FF品牌在上海的营销策略研究

发布时间:2017-12-30 21:12

  本文关键词:TESCO FF品牌在上海的营销策略研究 出处:《南昌大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 乐购 营销环境 分析 问题 建议 上海地区

【摘要】:英国零售行业的巨头即为TESCO,同时也是世界排名前列的零售商。在2005年该公司联合乐购超市开始开拓我国市场,在2014年,该公司又选择和我国华润创业有限公司进行联合,以此来对我国市场进行进一步开发,通过这次合作,该公司在我国市场上形成了相应的平台,以此来让其在我国拥有更多的发展机会。因此,本文拟结合自己的工作实践,研究TESCO的自有品牌FF在这新的历史机遇的条件下在上海市场的营销策略,以促进FF品牌在上海市场的发展。在本文研究过程中,首先针对本文研究背景以及意义进行了分析,通过研究后认为本文研究可以从理论以及实践两个方面为FF服饰在我国上海地区的发展提供借鉴。结合本文研究所需要达到的目标明确了研究内容、方法以及框架等等。随后,本文从理论角度对本文研究课题进行了分析,着重分析了营销理论以及营销策略理论,再次,对TESCO FF品牌在我国上海地区的营销状况进行分析,主要从宏观以及行业环境两个角度来进行分析,通过分析以后认为该公司的营销策略主要受到社会经济环境、政治环境、法律环境以及社会文化环境影响,同时在这一过程中还分析了美国内部营销状况,具体有该公司发展情况、相关产品以及产品营销情况,着重分析其中存在的不足之处。第四章分析了上海地区的发展前景及TESCO在上海的竞争形势,并据此得到目标市场,进行市场定位。最后,根据前面所分析的内容,制定了营销组合策略和其他营销策略。在营销组合策略中,分别从产品、价格、渠道和促销四个方面给出了具体的营销理念和措施。通过本文的研究给出FF品牌将来的营销策略及给予品牌未来定位的一些建议。
[Abstract]:The British retail giant is TESCO, but also the world's leading retailer. In 2005 the company Tesco supermarket began to open up the market of our country, in 2014, the company also choose joint and China Resources Enterprise Ltd in China, the market of our country for further development, through the cooperation, the company has formed the corresponding platform in the Chinese market, in order to make it have more development opportunities in our country. Therefore, this paper intends to combine their work practice, the marketing strategy in Shanghai market conditions in this new historical opportunity under the TESCO FF brand, in order to promote the development of the FF brand in Shanghai market in the course of this study, this paper first analyzes the research background and significance, through the research that the paper from the two aspects: the theory and practice of FF clothing in China Provide reference for the development of sea area. Combining the research needed to achieve the target to clear the research content, method and framework. Then, based on the analysis of this paper from the theoretical point of view, focuses on the analysis of the marketing theory and marketing theory, once again, to TESCO FF brand in China's Shanghai region marketing situation the analysis, mainly from the two aspects of macro and industry environment to carry on the analysis, through the analysis of later that the company's marketing strategy is mainly affected by the social economic environment, political environment, legal environment and social and cultural environment, and analyzes the marketing status within the United States in this process, the specific development situation of the company, the relevant products and product marketing, analyzes the shortcomings of them. The fourth chapter analyzes the development prospect of Shanghai area and TESCO competition in Shanghai form Potential, and accordingly get the target market and market positioning. Finally, according to the above analysis, developed a combination of marketing strategy and other marketing strategies. In the marketing strategy, from product, price, channel and promotion four aspects are given specific marketing ideas and measures. Through the FF brand research are given in this paper, the future marketing strategy and give some suggestions for future brand positioning.



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