本文关键词:A外贸公司供应商管理诊断研究 出处:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of global economic integration, foreign trade enterprises in the traditional management model has been unable to adapt to changing market demand, vicious spiral single cost saving strategies will form the competition. Therefore, many companies have begun to seek a new management mode to break the bottleneck of sustainable development. Supply chain management is the enterprise to improve the efficiency of the supply chain, the only way which must be passed give full play to the advantages, but the supplier as a supply chain management system source, carries on the effective management is the critical link in.A development company foreign trade company is engaged in product development and design, procurement, production and quality control of foreign trade companies, with excellent quality and perfect service to obtain the trust and support of customers. However, the lack of communication and effective management of the supplier in daily operations, the gradual emergence of procurement costs, product quality Drop and the decline in the performance of other serious problems. Aiming at the problem of A company, based on the analysis of the competition environment, the establishment of the company at a relatively low cost competitive advantage and maintain a rapid response to customer demand for the development goals. Starting from the analysis of the current situation of supplier management, through interviews and questionnaires, analysis and diagnosis of common problems and reasons existing in its suppliers the management of the four key links and Boston using four quadrant analysis to identify the need for improvement: supplier selection, supplier classification, supplier relationship management and information sharing. Then, organize a team of experts to evaluate and summarize the existing supplier data to obtain more effective supplier selection index, we use the AHP analysis to choose the best supplier using matrix method; supply classification to classify suppliers; effectively closed for different types of suppliers The Department of management, to establish long-term stable cooperative mode; on this basis, the establishment of supplier information sharing and information sharing platform, increase the incentive strength of a series of optimization strategies. Finally the optimal strategy for the implementation of the plan, including the implementation of process control, the implementation of the development of performance audit and continuous improvement in four aspects. Relevant measures to ensure orderly, smoothly, make the status of supplier management of A company to continue to improve, and gradually realize the effective transformation of the supplier management. This paper studies the theory of supply chain management based on the in-depth analysis of the status of supplier management in a typical purchasing company, expounds the core problem of its existence, and then combined with the qualitative and the quantitative analysis method to analyze the formation and optimization of supplier management strategy. We hope to improve the supplier management so as to enhance the competitive benefits of the company At the same time, we also hope to provide some useful and practical reference for the optimization of supplier management in similar companies.
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