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  本文关键词:网络关系与在线口碑贡献:基于社会影响理论的实证研究 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 社会网络 网络关系 在线口碑 社会影响

【摘要】:在线口碑是消费者发表在互联网上关于产品和服务的评论,已有的研究显示在线口碑对消费者的购买决策存在重要影响,正面口碑能够提升产品或服务的销量,而负面口碑则会对销量存在不利影响。正是基于在线口碑的广泛存在性和巨大的影响力,业界和学术界对其的研究也越来越重视。随着对口碑研究的逐渐深入,目前研究问题逐渐从在线口碑会带来什么样的影响转变为那些因素会导致在线口碑的产生,即由在线口碑的"后果"转变为"前因"。哪些因素会促使消费者贡献在线口碑,以及贡献什么样的口碑,这些问题回答对于企业运用口碑为自身经营服务有着重要的应用价值,因而也是本研究的核心问题。对在线口碑的探讨离不开社会网络,因为很多在线口碑平台都包含有社交网络的部分(例如微博、微信),消费者的行为也自然而然受到了社交网络的影响,因此在本研究中我们考查的是网络关系对消费者口碑行为的影响。基于社会影响理论(social impact theory),我们认为消费者在社交网络中建立的网络关系是一种典型的社会存在(socialpresence),与传统的社会存在不同的是,这种社会存在是虚拟的。作为社会存在的一种体现,网络关系会激发消费者自我展示(self-presentation)动机,通过贡献在线口碑来表现自我,树立自己在他人心目中的形象。具体来看,当消费者拥有更多的网络关系时,其会贡献更多的在线口碑(volume),因为口碑的频次提供了自我展示的机会,当网络关系触发更强的自我展示动机时,消费者会更愿意借助口碑来表达自我。从口碑的效价(valence)来看,更强的自我展示动机会导致口碑效价更低,这是因为负面的口碑会被感知为更客观,更有见地。此外,网络关系与口碑行为的关系还受到了关系的时间距离(从关系建立的时间点到当前的时间点的时间长度)以及关系的强度的调节作用,时间距离越短、强度越强的关系会对口碑数量和口碑效价产生更强的影响。通过搜集美国购物点评网站Epinion.com中的实证数据,我们发现关于口碑数量的假设得到完全验证,但是关于口碑效价的假设则得到部分验证。
[Abstract]:Online word-of-mouth is a review of products and services published by consumers on the Internet. Existing studies show that online word-of-mouth has an important impact on consumers' purchase decisions, and positive word of mouth can improve the sales of products or services. The negative word of mouth will have a negative impact on the sales volume. It is based on the widespread existence of online word of mouth and huge influence, the industry and academia to its research also more and more attention. With the gradual deepening of the word of mouth research. At present, the problem of online word-of-mouth will gradually change from what kind of influence to those factors will lead to the generation of online word-of-mouth. That is, from the "consequences" of online word of mouth to "antecedent." what factors will cause consumers to contribute online word of mouth, and what kind of word of mouth. The answers to these questions have important application value for enterprises to use word of mouth for their own business service, therefore, it is also the core issue of this study. The discussion of online word of mouth is inseparable from social network. Because many online word-of-mouth platforms contain parts of social networks (Weibo, WeChat, for example), consumer behavior is naturally influenced by social networks. Therefore, in this study, we examine the influence of internet relationships on consumers' word-of-mouth behavior, based on social impact the theory of social impact. We think that the network relationship established by consumers in the social network is a typical social existence, which is different from the traditional society. This kind of social existence is fictitious. As a kind of embodiment of social existence, network relationship can stimulate consumers' self-presentation self-presentation motivation. By contributing online word of mouth to express yourself and build up your image in others. Specifically, when consumers have more online relationships, they contribute more online word of mouth volume. Because the frequency of word of mouth provides an opportunity for self-presentation, when a network relationship triggers a stronger motivation for self-expression. Consumers will be more willing to use word of mouth to express themselves. From the point of view of the titer of the word of mouth, a stronger self-display motivation will lead to a lower price of word-of-mouth. This is because negative word of mouth is perceived as more objective and insightful. The relationship between network relationship and word-of-mouth behavior is also affected by the time distance (from the time point when the relationship is established to the time length of the current time point) and the intensity of the relationship. The shorter the time distance is, the shorter the time distance is. The stronger the relationship will have a stronger impact on the number of word-of-mouth and the titer of word-of-mouth. By collecting empirical data from Epinion.com, an American shopping review site. We find that the hypothesis about the number of word-of-mouth is fully verified, but the hypothesis about the titer of word-of-mouth is partly verified.


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