本文关键词: 电子商务 技术 价值 特点 影响 出处:《新疆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In human history, no other than a time today to a large extent by the informatization, digital network, violent impact of electronic communication technology and profound influence, it will also discuss about the value of technology has traditionally been carried out by us to further enhance to a new level, and from the perspective of patterns in large data. Analysis of cloud computing, information technology, network is the latest trends and characteristics of the times of the moment, can realize the sale of online trading in both does not meet each other even without actual contact conditions by means of the technology of e-commerce online payment behavior and activities has an amazing development to a new the economic model. The economic model in the rapidly changing trade patterns and the old pattern at the same time, also has a profound impact on people's way of production today, life style and communication style. However In a strong revolutionary, emphasized the role played by the electronic commerce, we must also give full attention and profound reflection on the value of technology and the existing problems in the social morality and ethics of technology and other aspects, through efforts to alleviate the e-commerce technology level of risk, and effectively solve the social problems facing e-commerce technology. To achieve the above purpose, we must rise by only a general technical level to the level of philosophy and Reflection on the analysis of electronic commerce technology value and problems, on the basis of in-depth analysis and reference on the theory of value, thinking problems of electronic commerce technology from the perspective of philosophy of science and technology, in order to construct consistent with objective reality situation and path method and can effectively dispel e-commerce technology value dilemma.
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