本文选题:退货政策 切入点:感知公平 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着网络经济的迅速发展,越来越多的消费者开始选择从网上购买商品,网络购物已逐渐成为消费者的一个重要购物方式。与此同时,由于网络购物所具有的购物决策与消费体验分离的特征,产生了大量的由交易纠纷引起的退货问题,制约了网络零售的快速发展。因此,研究和分析网络零售商退货政策对消费者的影响机理,已经成为近年来学术界关注的热点。本研究关注的是网络零售商退货政策的宽松程度对消费者购买意愿的影响。具体而言,本研究基于信号理论、公平理论,并结合说服知识模型和S-O-R模型,将网站名称熟悉度作为调节变量,采用2(退货政策:严格vs宽松)x 2(网站名称熟悉度:高vs低)的实验设计,构造了4个不同的实验情境,探讨了网络零售商退货政策的宽松程度对消费者的感知公平、感知可信度、购买意愿的影响以及网站名称熟悉度的调节作用。本研究主要使用了方差分析、回归分析等方式验证了研究模型中的主效应、调节效应以及中介效应。研究主要得出了以下结论:1、网络零售商退货政策的宽松程度对消费者的感知公平和购买意愿有显著的正向影响,对消费者的感知可信度有显著的负向影响;2、网站名称熟悉度对网络零售商退货政策宽松程度与购买意愿、与感知公平、与感知可信度的关系都产生调节作用;3、网络零售商退货政策宽松程度通过影响消费者的感知公平,进而影响消费者的购买意愿,即感知公平在网络零售商退货政策宽松程度与消费者购买意愿之间起到完全中介作用。最后,本研究讨论了研究结果的理论贡献和营销启示。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the network economy, more and more consumers begin to choose to buy goods from the Internet. Online shopping has gradually become an important shopping method for consumers. Because of the separation of shopping decision and consumption experience in online shopping, a large number of return problems caused by transaction disputes have been created, and the rapid development of online retailing has been restricted. To study and analyze the influence mechanism of online retailers' return policy on consumers, In recent years, this research focuses on the influence of the loose degree of the return policy of online retailers on consumers' willingness to buy. Specifically, this study is based on signal theory and fair theory. Combined with the persuasive knowledge model and S-O-R model, the familiarity of website name was taken as the adjusting variable, and the experimental design of 2 (return policy: strict vs loose x 2 (website name familiarity: high vs low)) was used to construct four different experimental situations. This paper discusses the effects of the loose degree of the return policy of online retailers on consumers' perceived fairness, perceived credibility, purchase intention, and the familiarity of website names. This study mainly uses ANOVA. Regression analysis and other methods verify the main effects in the research model. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. The degree of leniency of the return policy of online retailers has a significant positive impact on consumers' perceived fairness and purchase willingness. There is a significant negative impact on perceived credibility of consumers. The familiarity of website name has a significant impact on the degree of leniency and purchase intention of online retailers, and perceived fairness. The relationship with perceived credibility has a moderating effect. The degree of leniency of the return policy of online retailers affects consumers' perceived fairness, and then affects consumers' willingness to buy. That is, perceived fairness plays a full intermediary role between the loose degree of return policy and consumers' willingness to buy. Finally, this study discusses the theoretical contribution and marketing implications of the results.
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