本文选题:韩国 + 经济政策 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In today's economic globalization, the Korean economy has become an important force in the global economy. However, the economic development of South Korea was very backward in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of Korea, and it could only rely on the aid of the United States to maintain the development of the national economy. However, in just a few decades, the Korean economy took off rapidly and maintained a steady development trend. The reason is that the timely adjustment of Korean economic policy plays an important role in the development of Korean economy. Especially in the period of Park Zhengxi's reign, the all-around reform of Korea's economy (establishing the government-led economic system, industrial policy, agricultural policy, trade policy, financial policy and so on) laid the foundation for the appearance of "Hanjiang miracle". However, the Asian financial turmoil in 1997 quickly spread to South Korea, causing a heavy blow to the Korean economy. Although successive governments such as Kim Dae-jung have carried out economic reforms, the economic development of South Korea is not obvious. Park Geun-hye also made a new adjustment to South Korea's economic policy after taking office, pointing out the direction for further development of the South Korean economy, which is now in a period of slow recovery and growth. Although successive presidents have had different effects on the adjustment of South Korean economic policies, on the whole, they have played a certain role in promoting the development of the Korean economy. At the same time, the United States has played an important role in the economic development of South Korea. South Korea has maintained close ties with the South Korean economy since the early days of its founding. On March 15, 2012, the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (FTAA) came into effect, which has brought the economic and trade relations between South Korea and the United States into a new stage. The change of this relationship has an inseparable relationship with the adjustment of Korea's economic policy. This paper mainly combs the economic policy of South Korea from a macro point of view, and at the same time studies the impact of the adjustment of economic policy of Korea on the economic and trade relations between South Korea and the United States. This has certain reference meaning to our country economy development.
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