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发布时间:2018-05-19 14:58

  本文选题:P2P网贷平台 + 风险控制 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:P2P network loan industry has developed rapidly in recent years. This is a great innovation in Internet finance, and it is also the transformation and sublimation of the private lending market in our country. P2P network loans are different from the operation mode of the traditional financial market. It has broken the market capital of large financial institutions such as banks. Monopoly of financing channels and financing objects; through Internet platforms, on the one hand, credit risk prevention and control technology is used to identify the credit status of loan enterprises or individuals, on the other hand, the results of the identification are made public. With the appropriate loan interest rate recommended to the lender with idle funds, directly through the lending process of both sides of the barrier. P2P network loans, more fully use the idle funds of the whole society, improve the utilization rate of funds; In addition, for the majority of middle-class, lower-class families or individuals, they have found financial channels that are safer than the stock market, the property market, and higher returns on bank deposits; at the same time, for small and medium-sized enterprises that cannot obtain loans from large financial institutions, Especially, the emergence of P2P network loan industry of small and micro enterprises provides them with financing channels, promotes the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and has the significance of inclusive finance. However, behind the frenzied growth of P2P network loan platform, there are a large number of incidents such as frequent occurrence of risk events, fraud, runaway, fund chain breakage and so on. In the month of February 2017 alone, the number of problem platforms has reached 54. From March 2016 to February 2017, there were 1576 new problem platforms. By the end of February 2017, the total number of problem platforms in the industry had reached 3555. And industry survival platform is only 2335. Whether commercial banks or P2P network loan platform, risk management is the core of its long-term and stable development. Among the platforms that have encountered problems in recent years, in addition to some malicious fraud platforms, a large number of capital chains have broken, funds are too illiquid to be paid, non-performing loans on the platform are too high and the leverage ratio of the platform is too high. This is to P2P network loan platform risk management ability test. Unfortunately, the test results of P2P network loan platform are not ideal, and the traditional risk management technology has been severely challenged. As a result, industry practitioners and academics have turned their attention to big data technology, and combined with advanced international risk management concept, big data technology has been introduced into wind control management. First, this is the need to keep up with the technological development of the times. Second, this is to keep up with the technical application process of the same industry requirements. Third, this is the need to deal with complex risk situations. This is the evolution of nature and the trend of the times. Firstly, by analyzing the problem platform of P2P network loan industry, and combining with a large number of case studies on the problem platform, summarize the risk of P2P network loan industry in China. Secondly, compare the traditional risk management technology with big data technology. The function mechanism of big data technology in risk management is analyzed. Thirdly, the non-big data environmental credit model and the big data environmental credit model are compared and analyzed by establishing a three-party credit model. The conclusion is that big data technology can effectively control the credit risk of P2P network loan platform. Finally, combining with the current application and dilemma of big data technology in the industry, reasonable suggestions are put forward. It not only enriches the theoretical research results, but also gives some guidance to P2P network loan platform.


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