本文选题:形象设计 + 服装零售店 ; 参考:《武汉纺织大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Along with the development of commodity economy and the improvement of people's living standard, it also continuously catalyzes the process of improving and combining strength and strength of clothing retailing. On the one hand, the SPA management mode of clothing retailing has become a remarkable development trend of clothing retail. On the other hand, the fierce competition from e-commerce makes the small clothing retail stores face more and more challenges, and the traditional clothing retail business model of physical stores needs to be changed urgently. From the perspective of the internal effect, the fashion individual clothing shop can make the employees have the cohesion, obtain the identity and the sense of belonging, thus can be invested in the sales activity with the full state; From the perspective of external effect, the target customer can obtain the best consumption experience and the rapid improvement of personal image in the shortest time. Through the individualized marketing means, the buyer's shop mode can grasp the psychology of the consumer and create different shapes suitable for the target group in a store. This kind of consumption experience is what the traditional consumption terminal lacks. The marketing mode of clothing retail stores should break the single identity of traditional retail mode and lack self-image orientation. This paper explores the application of "image design" mode to the management of clothing retail stores to create a stylish buyer's shop model. Through the clothing image design buyer's shop, the clothing and the human organic union, through from the inside to the outside carries on the overall shape plastic, synthetically uses the emotion marketing, the service marketing and so on, realizes the target customer's overall image enhancement, this pattern emphasizes the service marketing, Emotional marketing provides customers with image design services, real feelings and provide intimate services, comprehensive use of clothing dress, shape, posture and other means to build a more reasonable and ideal character image. First of all, the subject of theoretical research, clothing image design and clothing retail integration has a high feasibility, on the one hand, both have personalized, fashion and other common characteristics, while facing the consumer group has the same. On the other hand, there are advantages in operation and promotion. Through early market research and analysis, this model targets customers for young consumer groups. On the basis of theoretical research, the author put the theory into practice, relying on his own physical store, Lynn Shop, which was set up in the shopping street around the university campus, to explore the survival and marketing means of the clothing image design buyer's shop. After nearly a year of groping operation, from the store business conditions show that the model has achieved good market performance. The author concludes that clothing image design has a better market prospect and suits the individualized consumer demand of young consumers, and the characteristics of shops are to provide personalized and fashionable image design services. Decoration image design shop management must have a unique design positioning, product structure, personalized marketing program. The overall dress image design provides the customers with rich and individualized consumption space, creates a beautiful image, at the same time brings the pleasant consumption experience and fashion taste promotion.
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