本文选题:多屏传播 + APP广告 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The seamless spread of screens such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, televisions and outdoor LEDs solemnly heralds the arrival of a multi-screen era. At the same time, with the increasing popularity of mobile Internet devices, the increasingly perfect network environment, mobile Internet applications increasingly rich, smart phones increasingly become the main way for people to surf the Internet. The all-weather spread of mobile phone app fills people's time. More and more brand advertisers have sniffed the business opportunities of app and began to turn their eyes to app advertising, hoping to use app advertising as a breakthrough to cover the brand all the time. However, in the multi-screen era, under the impact of television screen, computer screen, outdoor screen and other screens, the evaluation of the value of app advertising is still a mystery, for advertisers, App advertising should be placed in multi-screen situations to examine its dissemination value, not to examine the effects of app advertising alone. Therefore, behind what seems to be a technological revolution, there are some deeper thoughts: what are the characteristics of the audience's advertising contact behavior and habits in a single-screen, multi-screen environment? In this context, what are the factors affecting the advertising value of app? What is the weight of each factor? How to establish a scientific app advertising value evaluation model? These problems have still not been solved effectively. Based on this, this paper discusses the evaluation model of app advertising value in the multi-screen era. Firstly, according to the literature analysis and expert opinion, the paper is guided by the principles of comprehensiveness, objectivity and salience. Six primary indexes and 24 second-level indexes affecting app advertising value are obtained. Secondly, the relative importance of each first-level index and second-level index is obtained by questionnaire, and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used. Systematic and quantitative analysis of numerous and complex impact indicators at all levels, quantification of the importance of different indicators according to 9 points to obtain the weight of each impact indicator; By establishing a scoring mechanism for each influencing factor and proposing a linear weighting function to calculate the total score of each index, the final app advertising value evaluation model is constructed.
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