本文选题:竞争中立 + TPP ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Competition rules are designed to ensure that all enterprises enjoy an unfair competitive advantage without non-commercial considerations. The actual adjustment is mainly the behavior of the government and the state-owned enterprises, which involves various non-commercial assistance, such as credit, subsidies, goods, services, the bias of laws or regulations, the differential treatment in the process of purchase and sale, and so on. The origin of the rules in competition is the reform of the state-owned enterprises in Australia. With the increasing power of the state-owned enterprises in the world, the rules of making rules in the competition begin to be more and more widely mentioned and extended. However, the international parties put forward different positions in the competition. In the definition of state-owned enterprises alone, claims within Australia are based on "commercial conduct" rather than ownership, while those of the United States are based on ownership and government influence. Even state-owned capital accounts for more than 20% as a state-owned enterprise. The United States is also an opportunity to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), trying to impose a position on others in its own competition. However, its claim was not fully adopted by the agreement. The final version of the TPP would raise the share of equity of state-owned enterprises to 50. In addition, the TPP competition section, such as disclosure requirements, is also harsh. The rules of competition are still in their infancy in China, which are projected in the classification reform of state-owned enterprises, the construction of free trade zones and the competition law. However, the reality is that competition law alone is not enough to regulate the unfair advantages of state-owned enterprises, and other supporting policies are needed. While it is not clear when the rules will really evolve into universal international rules, the U.S. version or TPP version will still have spillover effects on China. In order to avoid the obstacles to the negotiation of foreign investment and trade agreements in the future, China should establish its own stand in competition early. China can confirm this by continuing to test in the Free Trade area first. Such experiments include the reform of the classification of state-owned enterprises, the formulation of policy systems outside competition law, and the gradual formation of a mechanism for the establishment of competition. In view of the uncertainty of practice, in order to avoid being controlled by others, China should continue to maintain the momentum of promoting regional trade and actively lead the negotiation of trade agreements in order to seize the first chance.
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