[Abstract]:The turbulent world political and economic situation in recent years, the Brexit of the United Kingdom and the presidential election of the United States have all had a significant impact on the world economic situation. With Donald Trump's election as the new President of the United States, And immediately said it did not support the United States joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in his term of office. The previous administration of the Democratic Party of the United States has orchestrated negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement for many years and has also entered the brink of stagnation and even near cancellation, in contrast to China and Japan, as an important part of the world economy. South Korea's three free trade zones, for some political reasons, progress is very slow. However, under this new opportunity, how to draw lessons from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is the core of this paper. This paper attempts to analyze the construction of three important countries in Northeast Asia, namely China, Japan and Korea. First, it introduces the origin of TPP, China, Japan, Korea FTA and their development process. This paper makes a comparative analysis of TPP and China-Japan-Korea Free Trade area in many aspects, such as the composition and overall strength of member countries, the operational mechanism and the main issues of negotiation, and so on. This paper discusses the impact of TPP on the free trade zones of China, Japan and South Korea, and analyzes the realistic foundation and obstacles to the construction of free trade zones of China, Japan and South Korea. It roughly analyzes the dependence of each TPP member country on foreign trade, as well as the trade exchanges, current situation and status in world trade of three countries, namely, China, Japan, and South Korea, and makes a comparative analysis of the trade intensity indices of the three countries, namely, Japan, and South Korea. Furthermore, the feasibility of the construction of free trade area between China, Japan and South Korea is analyzed comprehensively. This paper gives some concrete suggestions on the construction and development of the free trade zones of China, Japan and South Korea in the context of the current world economy, in the hope that the free trade zones of China, Japan and South Korea can be established as soon as possible. Gradually promoting the construction of free trade zones in China, Japan and South Korea has become an indispensable, vital and influential part of the world economy.
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