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发布时间:2018-07-23 11:37
【摘要】:伴随着信息技术的飞速发展、互联网应用的普及以及产业间的相互渗透融合,IT服务平台蓬勃发展。IT服务平台是制度的一种安排形式,它能够使交易费用得到明显降低,使得正的网络外部性激发出来;IT服务平台是组织的一种形式,它重新构建各利益相关者的角色和关系;IT服务平台是价值共创的一种新形式,它的核心是正的网络外部性和整合效应。对IT服务平台价值共创及分配问题的研究,能更好地保障并促进价值创造、促进公平有效的价值分配,形成良性循环。基于此,本文以具有代表性的IT服务平台——家政020(020全称Online to Offline,即线上到线下,在本文中特指本地服务电商化)为例,引入网络外部性思想,对其价值共创及分配问题开展了如下研究:首先,本文介绍了家政020出现的原因及其发展现状,并对家政服务平台的网络外部性及其主要影响因素进行分析;针对家政服务平台运营的实际情况,确定家政服务平台的主要利益相关者以及他们之间的价值交换,分析影响家政服务平台中主要利益相关者价值的关键参数以及各参数对主要利益相关者的影响,并据此对家政服务平台价值创造系统进行因果关系图和流图设计;在此基础上,根据各要素之间的联系,确定模型结构和各变量间的数量关系,利用Vensim软件构建家政服务平台价值创造模型。其次,本文进一步分析家政020的价值共创过程,对家政020的价值分配方式进行设计,并据此构建家政服务平台的价值共创及分配模型。最后,为测试本文所构建的模型在实际应用上的效果,本文以家政服务平台e家洁为测试背景,把相关数据经系统性整理分析以及合理假设后作为测试时的输入数据,并对结果进行分析。本文还针对相关参数进行敏感性分析,以比较不同参数对价值共创及分配的影响。通过研究发现:(1)在家政服务平台发展期,家政服务人员和用户始终是家政服务平台价值共创及分配的受益者,家政服务平台在结束"烧钱大战"后,也逐渐开始盈利。(2)随着时间的推移,家政服务人员和用户价值趋向平稳,家政服务平台价值还有明显的上升空间。(3)月用户支付费用的变动对用户价值几乎没什么影响,而网络规模、市场竞争、经济条件、国家政策的变动都会一定程度上影响用户价值。(4)月用户支付费用、网络规模、市场竞争、经济条件、国家政策的变动都会影响到家政服务平台价值和家政服务人员价值。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, the popularization of Internet application and the mutual penetration and integration between industries. The IT service platform is a kind of arrangement form of system, which can reduce the transaction cost obviously. It is a new form of organization to rebuild the roles and relationships of various stakeholders in IT service platform, which is a new form of value creation. Its core is positive network externality and integration effect. The research on value creation and distribution of IT service platform can better guarantee and promote value creation, promote fair and effective value distribution, and form a virtuous circle. Based on this, this paper takes the representative IT service platform-Home 020 (020 full name Online to Offline, is online to offline, in this paper specifically refers to the local service e-commerce) as an example, and introduces the network externality thought. This paper studies the value creation and distribution as follows: firstly, this paper introduces the reasons for the emergence of Home Economics 020 and its development status, and analyzes the network externality of domestic service platform and its main influencing factors; Identifying the main stakeholders of the domestic service platform and the value exchange among them in the light of the actual operation of the platform, Based on the analysis of the key parameters that affect the value of the main stakeholders in the domestic service platform and the impact of the parameters on the main stakeholders, the causality diagram and the flow chart are designed for the value creation system of the domestic service platform. According to the relationship between the elements, the structure of the model and the quantitative relationship between the variables are determined, and the value creation model of domestic service platform is constructed by using Vensim software. Secondly, this paper further analyzes the value creation process of home economics 020, designs the value distribution mode of home economics 020, and constructs the value creation and distribution model of domestic service platform. Finally, in order to test the practical application effect of the model constructed in this paper, this paper takes the domestic service platform e Jia-jie as the test background, and takes the relevant data as the input data after systematic analysis and reasonable hypothesis. The results were analyzed. Sensitivity analysis of related parameters is also carried out to compare the influence of different parameters on value creation and distribution. It is found that: (1) in the development period of domestic service platform, domestic service personnel and users are always beneficiaries of creating and distributing the value of domestic service platform. (2) with the passage of time, the value of domestic service personnel and users tends to be stable, and the value of domestic service platform still has obvious room to rise. (3) the change of monthly user payment cost has little effect on user value. However, changes in the scale of the network, market competition, economic conditions, and national policies all affect the value of users to a certain extent. (4) monthly user payment costs, network scale, market competition, economic conditions, The change of national policy will affect the value of domestic service platform and domestic service personnel.


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