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发布时间:2018-07-28 12:58
[Abstract]:Food is very important to human health. A lack of food can lead to a range of health problems during periods of material deprivation. With the development of society, it is no longer a difficult problem for most people to eat enough food. The health of food has become an important factor affecting human health. Health food is a kind of food that is beneficial to human health in the long run, and it is an unhealthy food in the long run, that is, it is not good for human health in the long run, but in the short term, it can meet the needs of consumers. From a rational point of view, consumers should choose healthy food rather than unhealthy food when consuming food, but the reality is that most people have the experience of consuming unhealthy food. When shopping, consumers with low self-control are often unable to resist the temptation of unhealthy food to buy unhealthy food; sometimes consumers may also buy unhealthy food under irrational circumstances. Businesses take a variety of measures to induce consumers to buy healthy or unhealthy foods. The research on consumers' healthy and unhealthy food choices is one of the hot topics in recent academic research. Judging from the available literature, The factors that influence consumers' healthy and unhealthy food choices can be divided into three categories: one is the consumer's own factors (such as consumer's personality, etc.); the other is the marketing strategy used by the business (e.g. 4p); and There are one kind of consumer shopping in one of the environmental factors. It is a new direction to study consumers' healthy food and unhealthy food choice behavior from the angle of environmental factors. The existing literature has discussed the effect of light intensity, an environmental factor, on this issue. On the basis of this, the effect of environmental temperature on environmental factors in deep excavation is further studied. In this paper, four experiments were conducted to verify the effect of ambient temperature on the choice of healthy food and unhealthy food for consumers, and to reveal the mediating mechanism and boundary of environmental temperature. Experiments 1 and 2 verify the relationship between environmental temperature and cognitive style of intermediary mechanism; experiment 3 verifies the intermediary mechanism of cognitive style; and experiment 4 verifies the regulatory effect of self-control ability. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Environmental temperature will affect consumer's healthy food and unhealthy food choice behavior. Specifically, consumers tend to choose healthy foods in higher ambient temperatures, and in lower ambient temperatures, Consumers tend to choose unhealthy food; (2) Cognitive style is the intermediary mechanism of environmental temperature influencing consumer's healthy food and unhealthy food choice behavior; (3) Self-control ability regulates environmental temperature to consumer healthy food. The effect of unhealthy food selection behavior.


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