发布时间:2018-08-11 18:34
【摘要】:目前,中国电子商务行业的发展十分迅速,产业规模已超过欧美等发达国家而处于世界领先地位。越来越多的企业借助电子商务实现转型升级和发展飞跃,对电子商务服务有非常强烈的需求。然而,目前国内对于电子商务服务的实证研究还很鲜见。本次研究以国内外现有的电子商务服务、服务质量、信任、采纳意愿的理论研究为基础,构建了以服务商质量和服务质量为前因变量、信任为中间变量、采纳意愿为因变量的电商企业对电子商务服务采纳意愿的影响因素理论模型。其中服务商质量变量包括专业性、灵活性和服务态度三个纬度,服务质量变量包括透明性、标准化和服务形式三个纬度。通过实地调研和网络两种途径共收集有效问卷213份,运用统计分析工具SPSS 22.0对问卷进行了数据的信度和效度检测,运用Amos 21.0对结构方程模型进行了路径分析,完成了假设验证。本文的实证分析结果验证了笔者提出的13条假设中的11条,有2条假设没有通过验证。服务商质量纬度中,服务商专业性、服务态度对电商企业信任服务商以及采纳电子商务服务都有显著、正向的影响,服务商灵活性对电商企业采纳电子商务服务有显著正向影响;服务质量纬度中,服务透明性、标准化对电商企业对信任服务商以及采纳电子商务服务都有显著正向影响,服务形式对电商企业信任服务商有显著正向影响。没有通过验证的假设是:服务商灵活性对电商企业信任电子商务服务商有正向影响,服务形式对电商企业采纳电子商务服务有正向影响。在第五章末,笔者对未通过检验的假设产生的原因进行了分析。本次研究主要的创新之处在于研究视角的创新,国内进行电商企业对电子商务服务采纳意愿的实证研究还属首次。本文的研究有助于继续探寻电子商务服务质量与采纳意愿之间的关系,并为电商企业及电子商务服务商提供一定的发展建议。
[Abstract]:At present, China's e-commerce industry is developing very rapidly, and its industrial scale has surpassed the developed countries such as Europe and America and is in the leading position in the world. More and more enterprises make use of e-commerce to realize transformation and development leap, and have very strong demand for e-commerce service. However, at present, the domestic empirical research on e-commerce services is still very rare. Based on the theoretical research of service quality, trust and willingness to adopt e-commerce, this study constructs the service provider quality and service quality as the former dependent variable and trust as the intermediate variable. A theoretical model of the factors influencing the willingness to adopt e-commerce services in e-commerce enterprises with dependent variables of willingness to adopt. The service provider quality variables include three latitudes: professionalism, flexibility and service attitude, and service quality variables include transparency, standardization and service form. A total of 213 valid questionnaires were collected through field investigation and network. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested by statistical analysis tool SPSS 22.0, and the structural equation model was analyzed by Amos 21.0, and the hypothesis was verified. The empirical results of this paper verify 11 of the 13 hypotheses proposed by the author, and two of them have not been verified. In the quality latitude of service providers, the professionalism and attitude of service providers have a significant and positive impact on the trust of service providers and the adoption of e-commerce services. The flexibility of service providers has a significant positive impact on the adoption of e-commerce services by e-commerce enterprises, and in the latitude of service quality, service transparency and standardization have a significant positive impact on both trusted service providers and the adoption of e-commerce services by e-commerce enterprises. The service form has a significant positive impact on the trust service provider of e-commerce enterprises. It is assumed that the flexibility of service providers has a positive impact on the trust of e-commerce service providers, and the service form has a positive impact on the adoption of e-commerce services by e-commerce enterprises. At the end of the fifth chapter, the author analyzes the reasons why the hypothesis has not passed the test. The main innovation of this study lies in the innovation of perspective. The empirical study on the willingness of e-commerce enterprises to adopt e-commerce services in China is the first time. The research in this paper is helpful to explore the relationship between the quality of service and the willingness to adopt e-commerce, and to provide some suggestions for the development of e-commerce enterprises and e-commerce service providers.
[Abstract]:At present, China's e-commerce industry is developing very rapidly, and its industrial scale has surpassed the developed countries such as Europe and America and is in the leading position in the world. More and more enterprises make use of e-commerce to realize transformation and development leap, and have very strong demand for e-commerce service. However, at present, the domestic empirical research on e-commerce services is still very rare. Based on the theoretical research of service quality, trust and willingness to adopt e-commerce, this study constructs the service provider quality and service quality as the former dependent variable and trust as the intermediate variable. A theoretical model of the factors influencing the willingness to adopt e-commerce services in e-commerce enterprises with dependent variables of willingness to adopt. The service provider quality variables include three latitudes: professionalism, flexibility and service attitude, and service quality variables include transparency, standardization and service form. A total of 213 valid questionnaires were collected through field investigation and network. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested by statistical analysis tool SPSS 22.0, and the structural equation model was analyzed by Amos 21.0, and the hypothesis was verified. The empirical results of this paper verify 11 of the 13 hypotheses proposed by the author, and two of them have not been verified. In the quality latitude of service providers, the professionalism and attitude of service providers have a significant and positive impact on the trust of service providers and the adoption of e-commerce services. The flexibility of service providers has a significant positive impact on the adoption of e-commerce services by e-commerce enterprises, and in the latitude of service quality, service transparency and standardization have a significant positive impact on both trusted service providers and the adoption of e-commerce services by e-commerce enterprises. The service form has a significant positive impact on the trust service provider of e-commerce enterprises. It is assumed that the flexibility of service providers has a positive impact on the trust of e-commerce service providers, and the service form has a positive impact on the adoption of e-commerce services by e-commerce enterprises. At the end of the fifth chapter, the author analyzes the reasons why the hypothesis has not passed the test. The main innovation of this study lies in the innovation of perspective. The empirical study on the willingness of e-commerce enterprises to adopt e-commerce services in China is the first time. The research in this paper is helpful to explore the relationship between the quality of service and the willingness to adopt e-commerce, and to provide some suggestions for the development of e-commerce enterprises and e-commerce service providers.
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