[Abstract]:Trade in agricultural products between Laos and China is an important part of trade between the two countries. With the implementation of the early harvest plan between China and ASEAN in 2004 and the end of the trade protection period between China and the new ASEAN member countries (including Laos) in 2015, the agricultural trade between Laos and China has developed rapidly. By studying the current situation of agricultural trade between Laos and China, we can find the competition and complementarity between the two countries' agricultural products, which will help to promote the development of Laos and China in terms of agricultural product trade structure and agricultural product production upgrading. And it can provide the corresponding reference for the policy adjustment between Laos and China, realize the complementary advantages of Laos and China's agricultural products trade, and then better close the bilateral cooperative relations. The contents of this paper can be divided into the following five aspects: first, the background and significance of agricultural trade between Laos and China are studied. In the context of Laos's urgent need to achieve two national development strategies, such as moving out of the least developed countries and solving the national poverty problem, it is necessary to promote trade relations with China's agricultural products, which will help Laos to realize the above two national strategies; Second, the existing classical theory and literature research results are sorted out, through the classification of the classical theory of international trade, the theoretical basis of this paper is consolidated, and the collation of the literature research results lays a realistic foundation for this paper. Third, the current situation of agricultural trade between Laos and China has been combed out, and the comparative advantages of Laos and China in the development of agricultural trade, as well as the current situation of agricultural trade between the two countries, have been combed. So as to lay an analytical foundation for this study: fourth, using the method of empirical analysis, this paper analyzes the competitiveness and complementarity of agricultural trade between Laos and China. The results show that the agricultural trade between Laos and China is more complementary than competitive. Finally, according to the above research results, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the aspects of perfecting the agricultural product trade structure, establishing the unified agricultural product certification standard and promoting the agricultural product brand construction and so on.
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