[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the whole society and the Internet, the development environment and business mode of payment business have changed a lot. The third-party payment organizations, represented by Alipay and UnionPay Commerce, have introduced many electronic means of payment, such as quick online payment, mobile phone payment and so on, which are different from the traditional cash payment, credit card payment or bill payment. In the area of online shopping and merchants to receive orders to occupy a large market share. Commercial banks are gradually competing with other payment institutions, which may become a situation of separation in the future. Therefore, in order to enhance the competitiveness of Yunnan Branch of MM Commercial Bank, this paper analyzes the electronic payment business of Yunnan Branch of MM Commercial Bank. Firstly, this paper systematically reviews the development of electronic payment service in China, and combs four typical forms of electronic payment service, namely, network payment, mobile payment, OTO payment and IC card payment. The development trend of electronic payment service is also discussed. Secondly, this paper analyzes the electronic payment products introduced by Yunnan Branch of MM Commercial Bank, compares them with the third party payment organizations, and points out the problems existing in the electronic payment business of Yunnan Branch of MM Commercial Bank. Then put forward the MM commercial bank Yunnan Branch to develop electronic payment business strategy. Expect to contribute to the healthy development of MM Commercial Bank Yunnan Branch.
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