Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Contextual Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Research Objectives
1.3.1 Delimitation and Scope of the Study
1.3.2 Significance of the Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Structure of the Thesis
1.6 Limitations of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction of the Chapter
2.2 A Brief Background of Economic Growth Theory
2.2.1 Harrod-Domar Growth Model
2.2.2 Traditional Neoclassical Growth Theory
2.2.3 The Endogenous Growth Model
2.2.4 Solow’s Neoclassical Economic Growth Theory
2.2.5 Strengths of Solow’s Neoclassical Growth Model
2.2.6 Criticisms of Solow’s Neoclassical Growth Model
2.3 Neoclassical Growth Theory and International Trade
2.4 Relationship between Foreign Trade and Economic Growth
2.5 Empirical Findings Literature
2.6 Chapter Summary,
Chapter Three Overview of Malawi Foreign Trade and Economic Growth
3.1 Introduction of the Chapter
3.2 Trends of Malawi Foreign Trade
3.2.1 Malawi Foreign Trade in After Independence (1964-2016)
3.2.2 Malawi Trade Balance
3.2.3 Malawi’s Foreign Trade Partners and Trade Agreements
3.2.4 Malawi Economy
3.3 Justification on Malawi Foreign Trade and Economic Growth
Chapter Four Research Methodology and Econometric Estimation Results and Discussion
4.1 Introductionof the Chapter
4.2 Data Collection; Sources and Templates
4.2.1 Sample Technique
4.2.2 Model specification and description of variables
4.2.3 Procedure for the Estimation for the Neoclassical Growth Model
4.2.4 Expected Signs for the Exports and Imports Coefficients
4.3 A Summary of the Diagnostic Tests for OLS Regression
4.3.1 Test for Unit roots (Augmented Dickey Fuller)
4.3.2 Test for Heteroskedasticity
4.3.3 Test for Normality
4.3.4 Test for Cointegration
4.4 Regression Diagnostic
4.4.1 Serial Correlation Test
4.4.2 Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test
4.4.3 Test for Heteroskedasticity
4.4.4 Test for Normality of the Residuals
4.4.5 Johansen Test for Cointegration
4.5 Estimation of the Regression Equation and Interpretation of Results
4.6 Discussion on the Estimated Regression Results
4.6.1 F-Statistic
4.6.2 R-Squared (R2)
4.6.3 Population (Labor Force) Coefficient
4.6.4 Gross Capital Formation (Capital) Coefficient
4.6.5 Export Coefficient
4.6.6 Import Coefficient
4.6.7 The Constant Term
4.7 Chapter Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary and Conclusion
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Areas for Further Research
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