本文关键词:基于CVaR模型的商业银行汇率风险管理研究 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 商业银行 汇率风险管理 CVaR IC-EGARCH
[Abstract]:With the deepening of RMB exchange rate marketization process and the deepening of financial system reform, the relationship between China's economy and the global economy is gradually strengthened, and the exchange rate risk is becoming increasingly prominent. The volume of foreign exchange business of Chinese commercial banks is increasing gradually, the rich foreign exchange business types and the whole market linkage are strengthened. In order to better manage the exchange rate risk, many commercial banks have begun to explore advanced risk management tools, compared with the VaR model. The CVaR model is favored by more and more managers because of its excellent mathematical and statistical characteristics. In addition, commercial banks hold a large number of foreign exchange currencies. It is very important to consider the dynamic correlation between multi-currency exchange rate (this paper is called linkage) when measuring the risk. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to study how to apply the CVaR model considering linkage to the exchange rate risk management of Chinese commercial banks. This paper summarizes the previous studies on exchange rate risk management and CVaR methods. Then the measurement methods, management methods and management tools of the exchange rate risk management of commercial banks are described in the basic theory, and further. This paper analyzes the three transmission paths of exchange rate risk of Chinese commercial banks and discusses the current situation of exchange rate risk management in combination with the actual situation of China's macro economy and commercial banks. Furthermore, it reveals the shortage of exchange rate risk management in Chinese commercial banks, among which the most important problem is the backwardness of risk measurement methods, which shows the necessity of introducing international advanced measurement method cvar. Therefore, this paper introduces the cvar model considering the dynamic correlation of multi-currency exchange rate to construct the linkage cvar model, and uses the multiple garch model to calculate the linkage cvar. The commonly used bekk-garch and dcc-garch models have some defects, such as poor stability of the model and the assumption that the conditions do not conform to the actual situation. This paper attempts to introduce a novel ic-egarh model and compare it with the above two models. In order to optimize the foreign exchange currency structure of Chinese commercial banks, this study combines the idea of portfolio with the linkage cvar model. In order to construct the mean value -cvar model, this paper selects the dollar and euro. Daily median daily frequency data for the working days between July 21st 2005 and March 4th 2016 at the exchange rates of the Hong Kong dollar and the yen against the renminbi. Through logarithmic processing, four groups of exchange rate return time series are obtained. In the selection of calculation model, the ic-egarch model and the bekk-archarchdcc-garch model are compared and analyzed. The results show that it not only makes up for the poor stability of the model, but also the hypothetical condition does not accord with the actual defects, and has the advantage of significantly reducing the model dimension and the good measuring effect. It can also reflect the volatility spillover between each group of exchange rate return series, and then select the standard deviation series obtained in the estimation of ic-egarch model to calculate the linked cvar of exchange rate return rate of unit currency position. By combining the results with the dollar position data of four commercial banks at the end of each year, the cvar of dollar position is calculated. Then it analyzes the exchange rate risk situation faced by banks and calculates the optimal weight of US dollar positions by using the mean value-cvar model. According to the weight of the results of foreign exchange positions of Chinese commercial banks currency structure adjustment suggestions. Finally, this paper combined with the linkage of CVaR in mathematical statistics and exchange rate risk management advantages. This paper puts forward some policy suggestions on exchange rate risk management of Chinese commercial banks and summarizes the conclusions of this paper.
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