本文关键词:厦门市农村信用社农户小额信贷风险控制研究 出处:《云南农业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, rural credit cooperatives have gradually integrated into the rural finance world and become an indispensable part of rural finance. To push the "three rural" to a better and faster direction of development. Among them, rural micro-credit business has become an important measure of poverty alleviation in rural areas. It can alleviate the problem of farmers' loans and promote the development of rural economy. The RCC is a kind of financial institution which has a professional service attitude to the farmers. The survival and development of its management efficiency and social responsibility has a decisive impact on the future of rural credit cooperatives. However, with the gradual increase of micro-credit business of farmers, plus some special properties of their own. It makes it face some problems and higher risk than the general credit business in the process of issuing. Through the data provided by the rural credit cooperatives we can know. In 2014, the non-performing loan rate of financial institutions to farmers reached 2.4%. In 2014, the balance of non-performing loans in Fujian province was fifty-four billion four hundred and fifty-four million yuan. The non-performing loan ratio is 1.81%. It is very important and urgent for the economic development of Fujian Rural Credit Cooperative to control the micro-credit risk of farmers. This paper studies the micro-credit risk control of rural credit cooperatives in Xiamen. Using the combination of relevant theory analysis and the actual situation, the paper dissects the present situation of controlling the micro-credit risk of rural households in Xiamen City, aiming at the low education level and inaccurate credit rating of the present farmers. The financial policy changes rapidly, the development of microfinance financial environment is affected, the rural risk mechanism is not perfect and so on. This study proposes that the government must strengthen the propaganda of farmers' credit awareness, loan money to borrowers, loan. After the loan management and supervision, strictly audit the credit rating of borrowers, strengthen the construction of microfinance financial environment, improve the rural risk mechanism, constantly innovate, and develop more user-friendly micro-credit business and other countermeasures. So that the problem can be solved.
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