本文选题:乡镇 切入点:银行网点 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since 2004, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee has continued to pay attention to the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and has adopted a series of reform measures to continuously deepen the reform of the rural system in order to activate the vitality of rural development. Promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas. As the core of the modern economic system, finance plays an important role in financing rural economy and promoting development. The reform of the rural financial system and financial institutions has become an important part of deepening the reform of the rural system. For a long time, in order to give full play to the role of finance in supporting the development of the rural economy, the rural financial system has undergone many changes. It is embodied in the repeated process of setting up new rural financial institutions, blooming everywhere and streamlining reform. However, they have still failed to change the weak rural financial market and the lack of financial resources. The status quo of weak support for rural economic development. Township bank outlets are the main channels for financial services to rural economies. Its distribution and development reflect the local economic situation and the strength of financial benefits to agriculture. This paper takes the distribution pattern mechanism of rural banks in Shandong Province as the research object. On the one hand, with the help of GIS visualization platform, the distribution of township bank network is analyzed by descriptive statistics, and its distribution characteristics are summarized. Gini coefficient is used to measure the equilibrium of its distribution, and ArcGIS10.2 is used to analyze the spatial correlation. On the other hand, quantitative and qualitative analysis are combined to establish an empirical model. This paper explores the factors that affect the distribution of bank outlets between villages and towns. The data in this paper come from the poi data of bank outlets of Shandong Province in 2012, which cover the distribution of bank outlets, population status, road status, distribution of industrial and commercial enterprises, and so on. At the same time, the financial data of villages and towns come from the direct reporting data of villages and towns in Shandong Province. This paper, through empirical research, concludes that the number of township finance, the number of township owned businesses, the population density, the density of road network, Topographic fluctuation and other factors have a positive correlation with the distribution of township bank network; population density has a negative impact on the distribution of township bank network; the shortest time from the nearest county has no effect on the distribution of township bank network. The main reasons may be that the rural financial market is not mature enough, that the competitive factors have less influence on the distribution of township banks' outlets, and at the same time, that the demand for financial services by the grassroots people is still on the basis of the demand for deposits and loans, differentiated products and high-quality services. Finally, the influencing factors of the distribution pattern of township banks in Shandong province are summarized and summarized, and the prospect of further research is put forward.
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