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发布时间:2018-03-24 02:01

  本文选题:在岸与离岸人民币汇率 切入点:混合COPULA模型 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Open the RMB internationalization strategy in China in 2009 2011, the Hongkong Capital Markets Association launched the offshore RMB exchange rate fixing price, in 2015 the people's Bank of Chinese announced the adjustment of the RMB against the U.S. dollar price quotation mechanism. At present the interaction and offshore and onshore RMB two market is more frequent, more and more profoundly affected, the relationship is more complex. Due to the opening of RMB internationalization strategy is relatively late, and the establishment of offshore RMB market and improve the domestic financial market is a gradual process, so the domestic research on the interaction between onshore RMB market and offshore RMB market is in its infancy, and more qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis of multi focus linear relationship based on VAR the GARCH model analysis. Based on the traditional econometric analysis based on the attempt to introduce the Copula model, and the establishment of mixed Copula-TARCH-t model, The market for two nonlinear dependence is studied. Because of the Archimedes Copula function with symmetric, asymmetric and tail dependence and other characteristics, so it can comprehensively depict financial market variables between the complex dependence structure. The single Copula-GARCH model in this paper by using Archimedes Copula function to establish three features, on the basis of in order to make up for the Copula-GARCH model, a single defect related structure is not comprehensive, the establishment of mixed Copula-TARCH-t model, in comparison with three kinds of single model, the hybrid model fitting is optimal. To fully depict the complex relationship between the onshore and offshore RMB exchange rate dependent. The empirical study this paper selects RMB exchange rate Chinese foreign exchange management the Center released and the Hongkong Capital Markets Association announced the offshore RMB spot rate fixing, for The object of study, because they are the benchmark exchange rate to two of the market, representative. On the one hand, using the Grainger cointegration, causality test, error correction model of the traditional econometric model, finds that there are long-term equilibrium and mutual influence of onshore and offshore currency, and offshore RMB exchange rate fluctuations by short-term adjustment speed of long-term return equilibrium, significantly faster than the onshore exchange rate, in the degree of marketization of RMB exchange rate should be lower than the Bank of Hongkong offshore exchange rate. On the other hand the establishment of Copula model, by comparing the hybrid Copula model in describing the nonlinear dependencies between the variables can be more comprehensive. The proportion of Gumbel function in the Copula model shows that the maximum mixing, onshore and the offshore renminbi exchange rate benchmark upper tail dependence is larger, which means that in the direct quotation of exchange rate, when a large devaluation, the other party is greatly The probability of devaluation is very large, while a significant increase in appreciation does not have a significant correlation.



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