[Abstract]:At present, science and technology enterprises are in the primary stage of development, but with their own unique advantages in the development of the national economy, but also rapid development and maturity, and the development of the world economy and social progress has a considerable benefit. The reason why science and technology enterprises have always occupied a key position in the national economic system is that they have flexible decision-making mechanisms and lower management costs, so they can respond to the needs of the domestic market in a timely manner. And independent and perfect innovation mechanism and innovation efficiency are its most remarkable characteristics. However, the problem of capital has become the most difficult problem that restricts the development of sci-tech enterprises, which has caused great hindrance to the development of enterprises. Therefore, recently, the important shackles of "financing difficulties" have also aroused great concern of the society. Under the background of the construction of Shanghai Global Science and Technology Center, promoting the healthy development of science and technology enterprises becomes the top priority. This paper, based on the data and field investigation, analyzes the performance of the imbalance in the supply of the financial service system of Shanghai science and technology enterprises. It mainly shows that the supply of traditional finance, the supply of new finance and the support of government funds are out of balance with the demand of Shanghai science and technology enterprises, and the development of equity financing is slow at the same time. On the basis of performance, this paper further excavates the reasons for the imbalance in the supply of the financial service system of Shanghai's sci-tech enterprises. There are mainly defects in the credit management system of commercial banks, imperfect laws and regulations of scientific and technological banks, weak activity of venture capital in Shanghai. The reasons for the low investment rate of local enterprises, the low efficiency of government support and mismatch with the demand of technology-based enterprises, the high threshold of equity financing, the low financing efficiency of the new three boards, the lack of a perfect information service platform for technology-based enterprises, At the same time, it analyzes its influence. Finally, this paper puts forward policy suggestions from five aspects: capital market, the interaction between traditional finance and science and technology finance, government support, science and technology branch and solving the problem of information mismatch, so as to improve the rare predicament of science and technology enterprises.
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