[Abstract]:In recent years, the world economic system has gradually changed, China's economic development has been undergoing constant changes, the industrial structure has been rapidly adjusted, China's financial market has undergone major changes and adjustments. With the risk of foreign banks occupying the market share in China and the fierce competition in the domestic and foreign financial markets, various domestic banks have taken a number of measures to increase the number of business institutions, attract talents, and innovate products. With the combination of market development and industry conditions, Chinese commercial banks are faced with fierce challenges. In the past, most of the banking business processing channels relied on offline manual processing, which not only consumes manpower and material resources, but also has low efficiency. It has been unable to meet the needs of current customers for financial transactions. With the development of the Internet era, "Internet" mode and the deep fusion of the bank, each bank is carrying on the transformation in the management idea, uses the Internet pattern to deal with the daily business and the financial management, uses the network platform, realizes the product and the customer docking, Promote the transformation of new era, new thinking mode, promote the innovation of the traditional mode of branch, construct the integrated management pattern of line and off line, in order to win the first opportunity and seize the market share. Founded in October 1954, China Construction Bank is a large state-controlled commercial bank listed in Hong Kong and the mainland. As one of China's top five banks, although it dominates the market, it wants to find a way out in a competitive environment. It also faces the severe test of financial markets. Since 2005, relying on the "strong county" policy, the Liuhe county government has made great progress in the county economy, the economic growth rate has generally accelerated, the resource-based industry has grown rapidly, and the proportion of the economy has increased significantly. County economic development has been a rare opportunity. After several years of development, Liuhe branch has grown from a single business network to a comprehensive branch with a daily average deposit balance of 900 million yuan. In this paper, the methods of literature analysis, pest analysis and SWOT analysis are used. First of all, this paper analyzes the current situation of Liuhe branch development, excavates the current problems, points out the Liuhe branch in internal management, business development, financial situation, service construction and other aspects of the problems, analysis of the reasons; Secondly, through the analysis of the operating environment of the branch, through the external environment, the industry environment and the internal environment, find the short board, compare the various indexes of the interbank through the advantages and disadvantages, determine the opportunities and threats faced by the branch; Finally, combining with the county economic situation, government policy, branch innovation transformation, asset quality, service construction, staff quality, assessment mechanism, internal management, self-development reality and so on, select differentiation strategy and so on. The establishment always takes "adhere to steady management, agglomeration development advantage" as the goal, to enhance the value creation ability as the purpose, take the prevention and control risk as the foundation, closely revolves around the two major themes of "customer centered smile service" and "innovation transformation development". To formulate detailed and feasible development strategies and measures to ensure the implementation of the strategy, to continuously enhance the comprehensive competitive strength of the network, to optimize the comprehensive linkage mechanism, to deepen the understanding of transformation, to ensure the development of traditional business, to strengthen innovative services and products, Improve the comprehensive ability of employees, highlight the guidance of examination and incentive, strengthen cost control and resource allocation, guide the whole bank to focus on value creation, strive to become the best service, the highest efficiency, the best product strength branch in Liuhe area.
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